Friday, November 03, 2006


It has often been said that 'patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels' and indeed it is. That 'refuge' now appears to be in the throes of being overtaken by the 'democracy scam' - in that the so-called 'democracy' now on offer by most governments is in fact no more than a simple play on words which has nothing whatsoever to do with the real thing, at least as democracy is imagined to be by most people, who are beginning to view their own so-called 'democracy' as being little more than a political charade, which is simply used to fool them into believing that their version of it is a true one?

One fine example of a 'fake democracy' is that used by the United Kingdom. In the British parliament and elsewhere UK politicians continuously refer to 'our democracy' as though it was the Holy Grail. So, does most of the UK ‘state media’? The truth, however, is very different from what the ‘Establishment' there would have us believe. Their first lie is that Queen Elizabeth and her family has nothing to do with 'politics' when in reality she has everything to do with them. The Queen of England has absolute veto over all parliamentary decisions and can reject just about anything that she wishes to and indeed, she often does. Politicians in Britain must also swear their allegiance not to the British people but to the Queen herself. The same applies to her security services MI-6, MI-5, the Special Branch and the British armed forces. None of which are sworn to protect the British people as such - only the crown. The British queen remains on her throne for one reason only, and that it because dissenters to her fascist rule are persecuted and tortured and sometimes killed by MI-5 and the Special Branch, Britain’s secret political police. Considering that Britain has no proper constitution, the British people have no real protection from internal tyrants at all. Indeed, the real enemy of the British people today is their own governments. The last few governments starting with Margaret Thatcher's, have all but removed what few rights the British people ever had, whilst new repressive laws passed since then make sure that even those very few so-called 'rights' are unlikely ever to return.

A military junta under the control of Military Intelligence-5 to all intents and purposes now controls Britain. Military Intelligence-6 agents, also known as the SIS, are undoubtedly the worst tyrants Britain has ever had. They operate completely outside the law, above and outside political and legal structures and they are totally unaccountable - in spite of what their supporters may say, Military Intelligence-5 (MI-5) has installed a 'Police State' apparatus throughout the entire country. Through use of Britain’s notorious 'Official Secrets Acts' these security services controls and dominate almost every facet of British life, so much so that Britain has long been considered the most secretive country in the western world. The methods of MI-5 and the police Special Branch may be slightly different from those used by Saddam Hussein's secret police when he was in power but their ultimate objective is exactly the same, which is the total eradication of all opposition to the fascism they so eagerly embrace and protect.
When government security services have all but unlimited power to control and censor all public information, they can make most people believe almost anything. They are the destroyers of progress, truth and hope. These rotten and corrupt security services have turned Britain into a fool’s paradise.

In 1976, over 1.858 British army officers and at least 262 senior civil servants had been trained, (as instructors) in the use of psychological torture and other terror techniques for internal security purposes. These officials also have the ability to launch political campaigns in pursuit of military objectives without any reference to the political regime (the Queens private army?). Since that, date it is believed well over 40.000 British citizens may have been tortured or 'disappeared' by these torture units. The late home secretary, David Blunkett, added a further 1.000 MI-5 agents to ensure the end of all dissent in Britain. Indeed, when in power Tony Blair proposed a new repressive law that will make any form of political dissent within Britain a criminal offence. The latest addition to that measure includes a total ban on dissidents being able to use a telephone or the Internet. They will also be subjected to internal exile, which includes house arrest and other curfews. These repressive police state measures, being put into place under the pretext of ‘combating terrorism’ put Britain squarely in the corner of countries like China, Burma and North Korea, in that dissidents will be cut off from all forms of communication with the outside world. Indeed, their own homes will be turned into a prison.

The Internet and e-mail along with the British media is already censored to an unbelievable degree with MI-5 agents or informers being on the staff of every newspaper in the country. Many British breweries, also long time supporters of fascism, have willingly allowed their pubs, clubs and hotels to be secretly wired for sound and vision so that 'Big Brother' in the form of MI-5 and the police Special Branch can see and listen to everything said inside them. So much so that many foreign businessmen have been warned by their governments against using 'careless talk' when visiting Britain, whilst others have been told not to do any business there at all. Even the prestigious American magazine 'Smart Business' featured an article that suggested American business leaders think twice before starting any operation in the UK. Simon Moores, chairman of the Research Group, also stated that the UK is a questionable place to do business. He was referring to another British repressive law called RIP, short for the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act. This allows police and other law enforcement agencies to intercept the communications of any business in Britain. Even worse companies that are targeted will themselves have to pay for the software that allows it. For a small to medium-size business, the mandated equipment would cost something between $145.000 and $725.000.

Other, and far more sinister 'military devices' are also being used against British citizens. Particularly against dissidents who dare to speak out and expose the police-state tactics' being widely used by MI-5, particularly its departments of 'Deception, Disinformation, and Psychological Operations'. The latter 'Psyops' section of MI-5 operates throughout the entire country. Using highly trained teams of specialists they smear, harass, intimidate, persecute, torture and even kill any dissident who MI-5 considers to be a threat - in that the dissident might expose the deep corruption and widespread abuse of Human Rights by MI-5 and other covert British security services.

Indeed, MI-5 agents often arrange fatal 'accidents' to dispose of their critics. One of their most favored devices for bringing about the death of its chosen victims is the military microwave weapon. By using this device MI-5, agents can beam microwaves on any 'target' from a house or an apartment next to where the 'target' lives. The device can even be operated from a van across the street, and in their present form, these military microwave machines can penetrate through walls giving a pretty clear picture of anyone inside a building. Even worse, the microwave beams emitting from these machines can be closely focused to penetrate the human body and cause great damage to it. The result of this damage can be:

Mild to severe headaches; extreme sleep deprivation; nervousness and irritability; lethargy and fatigue; stress; nausea; insomnia; eye damage; paralysis; aggression and rage; paranoia and panic attacks; hysteria; schizophrenia; heart attacks; memory loss; disordered thought; uncharacteristic emotions; obsessive behavior; confusion; hopelessness; brain and nervous system damage; heart attacks; fast-acting cancers and severe depression leading to name only a few. Torture in the United Kingdom is SECRET State policy designed to secretly violate human rights.

Whilst under microwave attack by MI-5 in the UK, for daring to expose their widespread corruption through my report "Torture in The United Kingdom" I too became a 'target' and for many years, I suffered from some of the above damage to my own system. Many UK torture victims, however, are believed not to have survived at all. As a therapist, I believe that many British torture victims have been driven to commit suicide, which undoubtedly is the prime intention of MI-5 as it has then silenced those particular dissidents forever - without leaving a trace of evidence. Whilst many other victims are thought to have been 'disappeared,' some of them into so-called 'mental hospitals’, which were used by the soviets against their own dissidents not so long ago. Indeed the political activist George Farquhar was held in one of these so-called ‘hospitals’ before he returned to Australia. 

The very thought of musicians daring to ridicule the British police state, or of writers exposing it, is enough to bring out the worst MI-5 has to offer. And it does so in no small measure. A brilliant artist and sculpture, a friend of mine at the time, was some years ago 'framed into prison' for possessing a small amount of pot. He was released only because he agreed to become a police informer / agent provocateur and so help Special Branch and MI-5 to frame other people they wanted to control. Needless to say, this artist is a friend of mine no longer. The manuscripts of some books that I had written in South Africa during the apartheid years were also stolen from my own home by MI-5 because they did not want the public to know about their deep involvement with apartheid, or that they were persecuting dissident novelists. But they do. Viciously so, just as the Nazis before them did in Germany. The British Nazis in MI-5 and the Special Branch are no different. They may even be much worse, for the many abuses discovered so far by the Freedom Network are undoubtedly the mere tip of a very large iceberg. Indeed, creative artists of all kinds are particularly vulnerable to being 'subverted and neutralized' by MI-5, particularly performing artists who have gained vast popularity and wealth. They are in a position to defend them selves. However, being bribed through their inclusion in the 'Queens Honors list' and given knighthoods in effect neutralizes these people. But make no mistake on this point any creative artist who sups at the royal trough is supporting British fascism and all the repressive apparatus that maintains it. While some politically naive personalities like Paul McCartney, Elton John, Phil Collins and Rod Stewart may be fooled into supporting the crown many other lesser-known artists are relentlessly pursued and persecuted into obscurity by the security services for their refusal to do so. An artist's failure to cooperate with ‘Security’ can and often does lead to their full-scale persecution, which in turn means that their names will never appear in any British publication. No British record company will ever sign them up and no British television program will ever feature their work, they are relentlessly driven into poverty and obscurity. Their only option is to leave the UK forever and hopefully start life anew in some other country.

Whatever, MI-5 goes much further? Already having been accused of rigging some British elections in the past MI-5 has found a perfect way to subvert all elections there in that they no longer have to rig them through the ballot box at all. Through manipulation, lies, deception and sheer terror going all the way back to when Margaret Thatcher came to power in Britain MI-5 and their Special Branch secret police now all but owns every politician in the country. Indeed, no politician can gain office in Britain without the full cooperation its ‘security services’.

Whether any so-called politically left or right candidate actually wins an election in Britain is in fact irrelevant - in that their future actions will follow not their own dictums but those, which MI-5 defines for them, under the direction of their true masters, of course. That is why so many British politicians fail to live up to the expectations of the people who elected them. That is why the late Prime Minister, Tony Blair, did nothing whatsoever to curb the rampant corruption within the security services. Indeed, Tony Blair, along with most of the other politicians in Britain, are apparently no more than establishment puppets. Being a puppet, however, does not exonerate him from the abuses committed by the security services. As Britain’s Prime minister, he was supposedly responsible for their illegal actions and must be held accountable for them. By doing nothing to stop their illegal, action’s Tony Blair is just as guilty as they are. That MI-5 and their Hi-Tech death squads now define this sad state of affairs as being their 'version of democracy' is nothing less than blatant hypocrisy. They are at best a bunch of traitors and criminals, an insult to every citizen who ever gave their life for Britain. They died so that the British people could live in a decent society and have a true democracy - not the pitiful charade that is being passed off as one in the Britain of today. MI-5 and other internal security services cannot be reformed. Their corruption is far too ingrained. They should be abolished and their relevant members, both past and present, should be tried for gross civil and human rights crimes. They are the worst type of state criminals.

If the British people as a whole knew of what was being done by MI-5 and the Special Branch they would be outraged. They don't know because overpowering censorship prevents the public from being truly informed by the news media, which has now become little more than a tame state propaganda machine. So-called human rights organizations in Britain won't expose torture there because most of them have become little more than MI-5 'front organizations'. And British lawyers can't defend torture victims because MI-5 would put them out of business if they tried to do so. That is the only kind of 'democracy' you will get in the Britain of today. It is their version of the New World Order.

That the British Establishment is now taking advantage of the terrible 9/11 New York disaster by sending politicians abroad to "counter terrorism' is yet another example of its blatant two faced hypocrisy. It is also using the American tragedy to introduce even more repression into Britain, which will not only curtail further criticism of its own deplorable actions but also provide a form of 'legality' to any internal repression under the guise of 'preventing terrorism'.

That British Human Rights organizations have also done nothing whatsoever to protest the horrors being committed by MI-5 - nor done anything to help the many British torture victims, is an insult to anyone who ever supported them. Amnesty International, Liberty and Redress have all been severely criticized for not daring to confront and expose psychotronic torture and repression in the UK - yet their inaction has remained constant for a great many years. So much, so that one can't help but wonder just what is it they do with the millions of pounds they collect in donations from the public each year? They certainly don't use it to protect the British citizens it came from.

The British section of Amnesty International in particular should be ashamed at their inaction. In 1993 Pierre Sane the secretary-general of Amnesty said:

"Governments are prepared to go to great lengths to cover up their crimes. They know that a bloodstained human rights record will damage their international image. So, they set up phony human rights institutions to cover up crimes. They use sophisticated public relations techniques, lies behind lies. Governments use death squads and undercover agents so that they can deny involvement. Everything has become subtler since Amnesty International was founded. To make people disappear you need sophisticated security arrangements, and secret departments. Human rights abuses have not gone away. They have just gone further into the dark."

I suggest that that the totally inept people now running the British section of Amnesty International should read the above again - then expose the deplorable situation prevalent in Britain today. Otherwise they will not only become totally discredited there they will also fall under the category of being called phony throughout the rest of the world. If you are a supporter of Amnesty then think again - you just might not be supporting what you may think you are?

Dissidents who have fled - or have been driven from the UK, are still not safe from persecution by the British security services. In their efforts to smear and discredit anyone who tries to expose the truth about their illegal actions and gross Human Rights abuses in Britain MI-6 agents and their stooges pursue and vindictively 'target' and persecute British dissidents all over the world. These degenerate smear artists, against American and International law, even operate in the United States and Mexico.
Reinforcement torture techniques as used by MI-5 and their stooges.
This technique is called ‘the reinforcement effect (PRE). The generalization that behavior maintained with partial or intermittent reinforcement has greater resistance to extinction.
This ‘psycho-control’ is at first brought about by using ‘Psyops’ goons and smear artists who have previously been used to intimidate the dissidents and whom dissidents know because of that.  These goons will, when being close to the dissident, use a particular ‘hand signal’ which will immediately alert the dissident as to exactly who these goons are working for. For instance, in Britain, whether indirectly or indirectly ‘political stooges and goons’ are widely used by MI-5 to persecute dissidents. It follows then that certain ‘particular hand signals’ used by known MI-5 goons identify them as being ‘agents’ or ‘stooges’ of MI-5. Therefore, such a signal given towards a ‘target’ will make the target believe that anyone giving that hand signal is an agent for MI-5, and that the person giving that signal is ‘keeping him or her under surveillance.’  
These ‘hand signals’ are in fact ‘psychological triggers’. The purpose of them is not only to make a dissident believe British security is ‘keeping them under surveillance’ they also remind the dissident ‘by association and suggestion’ of the highly unpleasant events, and/or experiences of his, or her, ‘torture sessions.’ So, anyone who knows the particular signal, for any given target, can give that hand signal anywhere in the world where the dissident might be, and the dissident will immediately be reminded of what he, or she, is trying to forget, which is their torture at the hands of the British Security Services.  For it to work properly, however, the ‘hand signal’ must be one the dissident instantly recognizes; otherwise, the person giving it will simply look like a fool waving their hands about. I say this because MI-5 security stooges often encourage other people to use these ‘hand signals’ against dissidents after fooling them into believing that these ‘hand signals’ are not only harmless but are in themselves ‘the only torture’ that the dissident has endured in Britain. That is a totally untrue, but it is a lie that is unfortunately believed by many people inside and out of Britain, who, because of widespread censorship and disinformation, know almost nothing of the horrors that are happening inside Britain today.
However, it isn't only Britain that tortures and murder's citizens who dare to dissent, far from it. There are now thousands of web sites all over the world who are reporting exactly the same human rights abuses in other so-called ‘democracies’. Their methods of repression are all remarkably similar. Indeed, there appears to be little if any doubt that these vast crimes against humanity are being perpetrated by the world's largest security agencies, namely Britain’s MI-5, MI6 and America’s NSA and CIA. These agencies have the technology and the resources to carry out these crimes, plus the power to cover them up afterwards. The mainstream media has known of these atrocities for many years now yet they have failed to publish a single word about them. Only governments and the security services have the power to silence the media at will and quite apparently, they do so with ease. Without the Internet, the entire world would have remained ignorant of these abuses. That it is not is certainly not due to the mainstream state media. If anything the state media has conspired along with state security services to fool and manipulate the public rather than inform them of what has been happening around the world. In doing so, the media has lost the respect of the public at large. The drivel that is now being presented, as news by the mainstream media and television is an insult to anyone with half a brain, let alone someone who craves real information about what is going on in the world around us. Indeed, without a computer and an Internet connection it is today all but impossible to gather any real political information of value, no matter where you live in the world.

The above article is from a series being published worldwide by writers and activists supporting the Freedom Network, which is dedicated to exposing repression, torture and murder in and out of the United Kingdom by the British security services MI-5 and MI-6. Full documentation for this article can be seen in 'The Torture Report' a copy of which may be obtained by contacting the writer.
         Censorship in the United Kingdom
Not many people know that in the UK they have the Official Secrets Act. By that Act, the London government has the power, throughout the UK, to order that certain subject’s, are absolutely forbidden to be discussed. Further than that, any discussion is forbidden about how the Official Secrets Act exactly works. When there is a subject that an editor, publisher, or station manager believes would be covered by the Official Secrets Act, they must immediately inform the London government. And if the London government issues what they call a "D Notice," then these media outlets throughout the UK are not only forbidden to go forward with any story that they're working on; but also, the D Notice serves as a potential seizure: it authorizes the government, through their various operatives, to immediately seize and close down any printing plant that is in the process of printing such a story, any radio station, or any radio or TV transmitter. They are immediately seized by the London government, closed down, and the publisher, the editor, and the key personnel (including the writer of the story) are immediately put under arrest. And the worst part of it is, the rest of the media is not even allowed to mention that these people have been arrested and their publishing and transmitting facilities seized. In other words, it is forbidden to discuss the D Notice and also forbidden to discuss the technical operation of the Official Secrets Act. So, there is censorship regarding the instruments of censorship.
By Dr Les Dove
“Certainly the security services and MI5 and so on have this superfluous building on Vauxhall Bridge costing millions of pounds and nowhere to go - so what do they do? They concentrate on animal rights, and they have a special unit (Special Branch) handing over information, which is supposed to be collected for specific purposes, mainly for the purposes of ensuring that there aren't any criminal offences being perpetrated. And what this case has demonstrated has been the criticism that has been made over the last 25 years by politicians and others working in the field of civil liberties, that at the end of the day it isn't about subverting the state, it isn't about criminal offences, it's all about keeping dossiers on everybody and ensuring that those who are seen to be intellectual and political threats are silenced.”
Mike Mansfield, during an interview. He is a UK leading defense barrister.

 Some of the British torture victims who are still alive are listed below.

Dr Les Dove CPH (Therapist-Writer) - George Farquhar (Writer-Activist ) - Tim Rifat BSc Bed (Writer) - Marina L Findlay - Martin C Mack - Thierry Mouton - Robert Naeslund - Mickie Poirier Val des Monts - John Walsh - Aleksander Zielinski - Tim Matthews - John Beveridge - Robert La Mont - Blanche Chavoustie  - Nico Ntumba - Chris McCabe - Vincent-Cano - Alex Sadegholvaad - Jurgen Volske - Stuart Carter - Stephen Baker – Kieron Perrin – Ian Birch (Journalist) – Janet Cresswell – John Allman – Jim MaCracken – Stephen Downes.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."  Albert Einstein


(1) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. “British Intelligence and Covert Action." Junction Books. London. UK 1983.

(2) Dr L. Dove. The Torture Report. National Association of Writers. 1990.

(3) W.M. Grossman. Smart Business Magazine. Feb. 2001.

(4) G. Farquhar. The Freedom Network. UK. (Now partially mirrored on the web site )
(5) Jane Wardell. “Big Brother Always Watching In Britain”. Union Jack. America’s only National British Newspaper. Vol. 22. No 6. September. 2004.
Ex-MI-5 agent David Shayler says:  'Tony Blair was an MI5 agent'

77 Mind The Gap (Video)
MI5 and Torture in the UK
UK 2017: under surveillance
The 9/11 – 7/7 Connection
Torture in the United Kingdom
US, UK Aid Funds Iraqi Torture Units

Group 13
The Secret State: Britain's Intelligence Agencies: MI5 (Counterintelligence/Home Office/MOD) and MI6 (Intelligence/Foreign Office/MOD)
The Secret History of the American Empire
Mind Control Towards Behavioral Manipulation and the U.K.

 David Icke: Brilliant Speech
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism:The Time to Choose

Organized Crime Waves
How Britain created Ulster's murder gangs
American Domination & Corruption
London Bombing –video
The British Monarchy Has Its Roots in Nazism

London Bombings Data Page
The true inside facts about the 7/7 London bombings
Mind-Control Torture in the UK
Black Ops, Underground Bases and Extra-Terrestrials
John Kaminski – Best Writer on the Internet
Mind Control Forum UK Web Site
What MI5 do with Remote Control Effect and Manipulation of Human Being Technology (RCEMHBT)
Psychological Fascism
New List of Mind-Control Victims
Blair Set To Radically Enhance British Police State
911 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy
Reports claim terrorist suspects working for UK police
 America: Rogue State
MI5 'helped IRA buy bomb parts in US'
UK agents 'did have role in IRA bomb atrocities’,,1869019,00.html
MI6 Are the Lords Of The Global Drug Trade
Mind Control By The British
 Total Population Control
Manufacturing Consent.
Subverting the Media.
‘BRAINWASHING: How The British Use The Media for Mass Psychological Warfare’ By L. Wolfe Printed in The American Almanac, May 5, 1997.
See also:
‘Electromagnetic Torture: EM Weapons’ By Alex Constantine

Mass UK Mind Control Technology Now A Reality

7/7 Bombings Final Word: Her Majesty's Terrorist Network 
Common Purpose the Unseen Invasion - Brian Gerrish
7/7 - The Ripple Effect

Legislating Tyranny

No More Rights in the UK

Mind-Control: The Ultimate Terror

The Secret Uses Of Microwave Mind Control By The British
Clegg calls for 'a new political system' in UK
The Secret Use Of Microwaves By British Police And Army

How Britain Wages War
 Did Tony Blair order the London bombings? 
 The Home Page of Wade Frazier (Good Info – Read it all)
 " During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell
“Secrecy is the keystone of all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy … censorship. When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, “This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know,” the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives … Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hood-winked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a freeman, a whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything – you can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.”
Robert A Heinlein
"The technique of infamy is to invent two lies and to get people arguing heatedly over which one of them is true."
 Ezra Pound.
“Today real news is hidden from view, fake news is given prominence, truth is suppressed and fiction is promoted. Government and those in power are protected while those deemed enemy of the state are smeared. Myths and fables are granted attention while truths and realities are made to disappear, forever sent to the locked vaults of hidden fact where they will never see the light of day. The role of the fascist media is to protect the fascists, to smear those exposing truths, to ignore movements seeking truth to criminality, to enable the activities of the Bush cabal and to grant life to the manipulative mechanisms of the state. Its role is to keep the masses obedient, ignorant and subservient to the state, made unaware that every day their rights and freedoms evaporate, that every day they resemble the servants of the past and the serfs of the future.”
Manuel Valenzuela

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Day after day, we see our leading politicians on television spurting out their rhetoric about terrorists and what measures they intend using to end terrorist activities. Unfortunately, for the rest of us these measures turn out to be, so drastic and draconian they create more terrorists than they destroy. During this ‘cleaning’ process, politicians also take away our own cherished freedoms all but turning our countries into prison camps, all in the name of ‘national security’, we are informed.
To uphold this ‘security’ our phones are tapped, our mail is opened, our faxes read and our computers are totally compromised, which in effect means that our right to privacy is all but completely removed. So much so, we eventually begin to wonder just who the real ‘terrorists’ are, and in doing so we begin to ask our politicians some very serious questions. We do, however, get very few answers to these questions. That is if we do get any answers at all. Therefore, we turn to our mainstream newspapers and begin to ask them the very same questions. But we quickly find out that the media also ignores the issues that constantly trouble us. So much so, we get to thinking about who the media is really representing. After all these institutions have always informed us that they represent us, the public at large. However, we soon find out that politicians and the media represent each other far more than they do the general public. Indeed, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty we are pretty much left on the sidelines. So, if we can’t get answers from either our politicians or the media we quite naturally enough try to find those answers elsewhere.
This is where our real problems begin.
Because of the ‘national security’ measures described above we quickly discover that asking questions nobody ‘officially’ wants to answer, can become very dangerous. Indeed, asking any question at all that in any way casts doubt upon what our politicians have already told us. It is, it seems, tantamount to casting doubt upon the entire political system. So much so, our own ‘loyalty’ to that system is brought into question? That we had been led to believe that questioning the system was an essential part of that supposedly democratic system has now been cast aside, in the name of ‘national security’ of course. It seems that we are now free only to agree with – not question the system. But we do so anyway, because we are getting very curious, and just a little afraid, that what our politicians and the media are telling us may be far from the truth?
So we begin to wander again just how far from that truth we are?
Our politicians won’t or can’t tell us, and the media won’t or can’t tell us, so we turn to our computers and the Internet to go online for answers to our questions. Make no mistake; there is plenty of rubbish on the Internet, just as there is in the newspapers. But by the careful use of search engines, like Google and Yahoo (1), to name only two, plus a good bit of other research we can find some very detailed and important information. There, finally, we begin to get the kind of answers we were looking for.
The first thing we begin to understand is why nobody else would provide those answers; the reason being it seems is that they just didn’t want us to know them. They are supposed to be a secret. Both the media and our politicians prefer us to be ignorant. They prefer to avoid the truth, especially if it might damage their credibility. But on the worldwide Web, there are many secrets that our government’s don’t want us to know about. So many in fact we can’t help but wonder if our ‘governments’ truly really represent us or the multinationals – because it soon becomes very clear that what they are doing is more for their own good than ours! Indeed if governments do represent us at all it is more often than not through sheer necessity rather than anything else. The only time that politicians want anything at all to do with the public in general is at election time. Once the votes are in and counted, they simply couldn’t care less about what the public does or thinks, so long as it leaves them alone; they care only about themselves, and what their government can do for them, and their own careers.
During inquires into government actions another fact also comes to the forefront. There are supposed to be political parties representing both sides of the political divide – right and left. But in fact, they don’t. That, it turns out, is simply another charade that allows us to believe that our political bent, whichever side we are on, will be represented. But it won’t and it isn’t. In fact, we the people, take a seat so far at the back our political desires are hardly represented in any way – if at all. Indeed the only people who can be absolutely sure of true representation are the people who to all intents and purposes own governments. Which are, the Multinationals, the huge Corporations and the elite of society? Only they have the money and power to hire lobbyists, who in effect bribe politicians to do their bidding, rather than ours. Research will quickly show that the billions of pounds and dollars made each year by these huge business conglomerates is more than enough to buy any politician on the planet. So most of the laws that are passed by governments are foremost for the benefit of that small business elite, which is about one to three percent of the entire population.
These business elite’s, often referred to as the Illuminati, represent newspapers, banking, oil, pharmaceutical products, food products, computers, building, publishing, radio, television, telephones and armaments, to name only a few. Their activities in Britain, and some other countries, are hidden and protected by various ‘Official Secrets Acts.’ Which may and often does hide a multitude of horrors, that may be very hazardous to public health (2)? Their business interests are worldwide in every sense. Their profits are almost unimaginable. Their greed is unlimited. Their corruption is total. And worst of all they love wars. Wars make them billions of untold billions in profits every single year. The lives that are lost in these wars mean absolutely nothing to the multinationals. Lost lives are simply a part of making their profit. It's’ all there on the Net. Look it up. Do some research? Find out how ‘our governments’ and their Illuminati supporters have been conning us. Find out for yourselves how our Presidents and Prime Ministers have lied to and deceived us all over so many years past and present. Find out for yourself that when they are saying and promising something - with a hand over their hearts, they are in fact doing exactly the opposite to what they are promising to do.
Over the years, we have all been led to believe that the criminal Mafia societies are both tough and ruthless killers, and indeed, they are. But compared to our so-called civilized governments they are just normal criminals. No criminal organization on earth has ever come close to committing the kind of insane crimes that have and still are being committed by our elected governments. Indeed, the greatest terrorist organizations in the entire world have been formed and financed by our governments. They have persecuted, tortured and murdered many millions of men, women and children throughout the entire world, and they are still doing so today.
Lying politicians have become the scum of the earth – we put them where they are, we apparently let them do whatever they want to and we let them get away with it. All this you can find out for yourself, indeed you will have to, because the mainstream media won’t tell you about it, the same business interests that own the government own that media. And the media is controlled by the security services (3). And they are hardly likely to condemn themselves.
Of course, some people might not want to know the truth. Surprisingly enough many people don’t. For when they do find out the truth about their own governments they will come to realize what fools they have been to support them over all these past years. Many people would rather just not know that about themselves. Rather than admit their complicity and ignorance they would simply prefer to remain ignorant, both about the past and the present. They would rather just leave everything of any importance for somebody else to do, like Presidents and Prime Ministers, for instance. Even if they do kill a few more million people in the process, which they quite probably, will. The only time these kinds of ignorant people react to terror is when their own families become involved. Only when death stands on their own doorstep do they really begin to think seriously.
Doing some more research, closer to home this time, we try and find out what ‘terrorists’ have been doing to us here at home, rather than what they have been doing abroad.
When the World Trade towers came crashing down and the Pentagon went up in flames, it was something that caught everyone’s interest. How could it not? Aircraft one after another apparently crashing into huge skyscrapers flames everywhere, people jumping from windows, people on the ground running for their lives. We were all horrified! Little else was on television for days. Almost nothing but ‘terrorism’ was talked about. We were all shocked at the immense horror of it all, the huge loss of life, and the heroism of those firefighters and policemen on the ground as they tried to help anyone still alive. My God! Whatever had we done to deserve that kind of hatred, and from whom? We asked ourselves.
Well, apart from torturing and murdering a few million people around the world – taking over their countries and plundering them of whatever resources were worth having, particularly oil, nothing really. I mean, we had been doing that for well over forty years already, so what was so different now.
Well, for one thing, people were being better educated. And some of them were finally beginning to think for themselves. The Internet had made worldwide communication available to billions and billions of people who before had nothing but their own local newspapers and radio to tell them what was happening. But most of that ‘information’ was just rubbish, propaganda and lies. All their media really did was manipulate them into doing whatever their own rulers wanted them to do. Just as ours still does. But when the Internet came along, they found a whole lot of information that had been denied to them. They came to realize what fools they had been, and that maybe now was the time to do something about it. To wise up to reality and fight the oppression that had engulfed them for most of their lives. They had little to loose anyhow, but very much to gain. And there were many other people around the world who would help them. Adversity draws people of like mind together. They could help each other and they did so. They banded to fight their common oppressors, Britain and the United States of America. Who over the years had together been the cause of much of their misery? The UK and the USA then called these banded people ‘terrorists’, simply because they were prepared to fight and die for a better life than they could ever have had otherwise. In spite of much opposition from us, some of these so-called ‘terrorists’ eventually regained control over their own countries and also did manage to make a better life for themselves and their own people. But our ‘security services’ never gave up trying to retrieve control over these countries and even today; they continue trying to do so. The difference being that we too are better educated and unlike the ‘security services’, most of us have no desire at all to control anyone’s country other than our own. This stance on our part is seen by the ‘security services’ as being ‘subversive’ or ‘unpatriotic.’ Indeed, they regard this line of thinking, as being somewhat ‘terrorist inspired’ in that, by their way of thinking, we should support our governments no matter what they do. Or how many people they murder.
Whatever, when millions of British and American people do stand up and protest at their governments actions those people become a ‘security threat’ in that it is their wish to run their own country – and not have the multinationals run it for them. This kind of threat might spread. People just might get it into their heads that they have the right to run their own countries. Without interference from either, the multinationals or their security services. That just might lead to true democracy, which would be unthinkable as seen through the eyes of the elite and their security forces. Such radical ideas had to be stopped at any cost. So, scaring the shit out of Joe public would be a good start. Then they might think again. They just might no want to have their government take complete control of their lives. And if the ‘terrorists’ were right here amongst us that could very well happen. Just think of all the control they could get and would have in the future – plus the profits they could make! Wow! Bring on the CIA, the FBI, the SIS, NSA and in Britain MI5 and MI6. Give them all a free hand - and get the job done! Whatever it takes? Let the terror begin!
So the twin towers in America came falling down, etc, etc, etc. Terrorists of course, certainly, but whose? The popular scapegoat of the day, Bin Laden, denies any involvement, as do others who were quickly fingered by the ‘security services.’ Some FBI terror suspects, said to have died on that terrible day, are thought to be still alive. Real evidence of any kind is indeed scarce, to say the very least. And there is much to suggest that some so-called ‘evidence’ of Middle East terrorism was planted, whilst other ‘real’ evidence went missing was covered-up or shipped abroad. In other words, the whole sorry tragic mess stinks to high heaven!
Since 9/11 many aircraft experts, demolition experts, some military experts, plus many highly experienced pilots, have on the Internet put forward some highly interesting theories on what really happened on that fateful day. I say on the Internet because not one single mainstream newspaper that I know of has dared to breech the real issues. They simply repeat whatever government’s say and ignore everyone else no matter who they are. However, more than anything else, one simple fact stands out above all others. As some aircraft engineers have pointed out time and again almost every single part of an aircraft can be identified by a serial number of one kind or another, as all aircraft have to be serviced regularly. But any identifiable part of any of the aircraft that are said to have crashed on that sad day has yet to be found? And there would have been thousands of them. Thousands! Yet, not one single identifiable piece has turned up. Which is almost impossibility, as any aircraft engineer will tell you. Even worse is the absence of many local videos that were confiscated or simply vanished on that day (almost a hundred of them apparently), videos that would have shown what really did hit the Pentagon. Instead we are asked to believe that a huge passenger jet aircraft with a large wingspan went into a small hole – again without leaving any real evidence of its passing. No engines, no seats, none of the passenger’s bodies, anything! These points are just two amongst the hundreds that are now being featured daily on many Internet Web sites. All of which totally refute the government explanation of what happened on 9/11. A recent Web poll stated that over 85% of people questioned about 9/11 disbelieved the official government explanation outright. Many more thousands of people have called for an official investigation that will take into account the evidence of aircraft and other experts, but so far, the government has refused to hold any such inquiry. Therefore accusations of 9/11 being ‘an inside job’ continue to mount unabated whilst the evidence of 9/11 truly being an inside government put-up job grows by the day (4).
Whatever, the events of 9/11 gave the Bush administration exactly what it wanted, mass public fear and the power to totally control the American population in every respect. George W. Bush has become their dictator in chief and his security services ruthlessly crush anyone who dares to appose him and his elite backers.
In Britain, not great anymore, the Prime Minister of the day, Tony Blair, had his own little 9/11. The London tube bombings aroused the nation as the Blair rhetoric also went into full spin about preventing ‘terrorism’ and ‘protecting the nation.’ But again, doubts about who alleged the bombers really were quickly arose as evidence pointing to a ‘security involvement’ was soon exposed to public view on the Internet. Again some videos of the events went missing, whilst others shown on television, were believed to have been ‘doctored.’ But one point above all others stood out. At least one of the bomb blasts came from under the train, not in it. And there wasn’t any way that any of the so-called four bombers could have planted a bomb there. When they went to London, from Yorkshire where they lived, these so-called terrorists also bought return tickets. Hardly the thing anyone would do if they were going on a one-way trip. But it’s the little things like these that stand out and make us question them.
Some ex-MI5 agents, including David Shayler, also inferred that MI5 might be involved in the plot, and knowing something of how MI5 operates myself, I can quite believe it. They are a ruthless and unscrupulous set of vindictive degenerate fascists, as you will find anywhere. Whatever, the London bombings gave Tony Blair his excuse to bring in the kind of police state legislation he wanted. He allowed MI5 to continue to torture and terrorize dissidents in Britain with microwave weapons from the day he was elected. Afterwards he had all the power he needed to do just about anything he wanted to. Gutless self-serving fascists who apparently bowed down to his every wish soon surrounded Tony Blair. As in the United States, the so-called opposition parties became no more than window dressing (5). As a result these two fascist tyrants facing each other across the pond will for the time being both continue to fool and manipulate their populations into allowing them to carry out any kind of repression and terror they wish. Both men are hated by much of the world’s population including many of their own people. So, we might see the end of them yet. When more people actually do realize that these two fascists are the real terrorists, they just might be spurned into enough action to get rid of them and their kind forever. We did remember, after all, fight two world wars against fascism.
Presidents and Prime Minister’s who are more than prepared to torture and murder their own citizens are capable of doing anything at all. Elected to protect and serve us any politician who fails to do so commits not only treason but also the worst of all betrayals. That George W. Bush and Tony Blair are guilty of vast human rights crimes has yet to be proven in a court of law. But that they are indeed guilty is believed by billions of people throughout the entire civilized world. A little more research on the Net may be all that is needed to bring real action rather than words into being and these two lying tyrants before an honest judge, who may at last prove to us all that true justice cannot be avoided by anyone, no matter how rich, how protected, or how powerful they are.
Dr Les Dove.

Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing tactics, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception - Mark Twain

These Web Sites in Particular have a mass of verifiable highly interesting and disturbing information:
British Royal Fascists
Police State III: Total Enslavement
Alex Jones Police State 2000
The Energy None Crisis (video)
America: Freedom to Fascism
Government Insider Says Bush Authorized 911 Attacks
The Pegasus File
Insiders' Secrets: Rampant Corruption in Government
Lindsey Williams – The Energy Non-Crisis. Video Part 1 of 8
How Britain created Ulster's murder gangs
America’s Tomorrow
An Inside Look at How U.S. Interrogators Destroyed the Mind of Jose Padilla (These torture methods are also used in the United Kingdom)
Pilots for 9/11 truth
FEMA Camp Footage (Concentrations Camps in USA)
Dave VonKleist (The Producer of 911 In Plane Site) Confronting The Evidence
The true inside facts about the 7/7 London bombings
Mind the Gap
MI6 Are The Lords Of The Global Drug Trade
Huge 9/11 Cover-Up. Should George W. Bush be tried for treason?
Was 9/11 an inside job?
Unconstitutional - The War on Our Civil Liberties
'The War on Democracy' (Video)
Bush Link to Kennedy Assassination Alex Jones 911 Conspiracy
40 Bush lies!
Did Tony Blair order the London bombings?
The true inside facts about the 7/7 London bombings
Mind-Control Torture in the UK
MI6 Are The Lords Of The Global Drug Trade
The Secret State: Britain's Intelligence Agencies: MI5 (Counterintelligence/Home Office/MOD)
and MI6 (Intelligence/Foreign Office/MOD)
Free on line video: Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy
America Plays Into The 'Two Party' Sham Yet Again.
Greg Palst - What We Do Now (Election Fraud, Vote Fraud)
Votergate - The Presidential Election Special Edition (Election Fraud)
The Home Page of Wade Frazier (Good Info – Read it all)
Illuminati Threatened
When Will Americans Have Had Enough
Diagnosing the Media Spin
Paying The Price: Killing The Children Of Iraq
See also:
"A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get."
Ian Williams Goddard
" During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
“Today real news is hidden from view, fake news is given prominence, truth is suppressed and fiction is promoted. Government and those in power are protected while those deemed enemy of the state are smeared. Myths and fables are granted attention while truths and realities are made to disappear, forever sent to the locked vaults of hidden fact where they will never see the light of day. The role of the fascist media is to protect the fascists, to smear those exposing truths, to ignore movements seeking truth to criminality, to enable the activities of the Bush cabal and to grant life to the manipulative mechanisms of the state. Its role is to keep the masses obedient, ignorant and subservient to the state, made unaware that every day their rights and freedoms evaporate, that every day they resemble the servants of the past and the serfs of the future.”
Manuel Valenzuela
“Certainly the security services and MI5 and so on have this superfluous building on Vauxhall Bridge costing millions of pounds and nowhere to go - so what do they do? They concentrate on animal rights, and they have a special unit (Special Branch) handing over information, which is supposed to be collected for specific purposes, mainly for the purposes of ensuring that there aren't any criminal offences being perpetrated. And what this case has demonstrated has been the criticism that has been made over the last 25 years by politicians and others working in the field of civil liberties, that at the end of the day it isn't about subverting the state, it isn't about criminal offences, it's all about keeping dossiers on everybody and ensuring that those who are seen to be intellectual and political threats are silenced.”
Mike Mansfield, during an interview. He is a UK leading defense barrister.


I am old enough to remember the Second World War. I remember the British Spitfires in dogfights with German Messerschmitt’s above the house where we lived in Yorkshire. During these fights above us, some of their spent bullets fell upon the roof of our house. We kid’s spent many nights in air raid shelters huddled together with our neighbors. One night an incendiary bomb destroyed our front gate, just a few yards away from where we slept inside our indoor bomb shelter. Later still, staying with relatives in London, I saw the German V2 rockets falling from the sky. They obliterated entire streets and killed many thousands of people. Many of us spent nights sleeping in the underground tube stations trying to keep safe from harm. A short while after that I was evacuated back to Yorkshire and to Pocklington, where I lived in a small row of cottages close to the huge military airfield there. We kid’s regularly used to watch the Lancaster bombers taking off in bombing raids over Germany.

For a time I was the camp mascot so I got a much closer look than most of the other kid’s. Some of the Lancaster’s were so heavily loaded they crashed and exploded on takeoff. Other bombers, heavily damaged coming back from raids over Germany, crashed and burned up whilst trying to land. We kid’s soon got to recognize the returning damaged bombers from the sound of their failing engines. Sometimes we stood silently gazing into the sky hoping that the planes would be able to land safely. Quite a few didn’t. One engine of a badly damaged bomber trying to come in sounded really bad, and as we stared upwards and watched it, a wing suddenly broke off and the huge bomber slowly began to cartwheel towards the ground close to where we stood. We all ran for our lives! But thankfully, it missed us. When we all rushed back to where the plane had crashed and exploded there really wasn’t very much left of it to see. There were no survivors of course. The memory of seeing those things remains with me to this day. Those tragic brave airmen were all so very young

Just a few years back I drove along the coast of Normandy in France. Painted across the front of one seafront café in large letters were the words, WELCOME TO OUR LIBERATORS. Feeling moved, I went inside to have cup of coffee and had a few words with another old man who also well remembered the war. Then afterwards I drove along the coast and passed all the huge graveyards where so many thousands of young men are buried. They died on the Normandy beaches as they stormed ashore to liberate not only the French, but also all the rest of us from the Nazis and their fascist evil that spreading out from Berlin had threatened to engulf the entire world. Only the heartless could feel unmoved at the sight of all those white crosses that covered so much land. I know that the sight of those graves brought tears to my eyes, and much anger too. Many years had passed since those young men died for us. It hadn’t been simply a case of winning the war against Germany. They had died for a much greater cause, for us to be truly free, not just from German domination but free from all tyrants, free to choose our own leaders and live the kind of lives we wanted. So that we could all be free from the imposition of any kind of fascist tyranny from any nation.

That, unfortunately, hasn’t happened. Indeed, since the Second World War we have gone through many other wars. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and other covert wars, unseen, and unremembered. The dead bodies of the young have continued to pile up, year after year, until now they are rarely mentioned by the politicians that sent them away to die. After dying their families, if they are lucky, simply receive the body and a letter saying how they died. Newspapers rarely show photographs of all the dead soldiers being unloaded off aircraft as they are brought home in coffins. The tens of million’s of maimed and dead civilians who have perished in these wars are mostly forgotten altogether, except by their own families. These unfortunate men, women and children, are simply regarded as being casualties of war and labeled as being ‘collateral damage.’

We can be forgiven for thinking that something is very wrong somewhere? Why, in this day and age, when men go to the moon, and when startling inventions appear on an almost daily basis, do we continue to have these stupid tragic wars? When we consistently show just how intelligent we can be, why are we not intelligent enough to avoid wars and the terrible human suffering they inflict upon us? Can the answer to that question simply be because we actually want these wars?

Reluctantly I reached the same conclusion as some other researchers have. Most wars are engineered and brought about by politicians and Western intelligence services, and we have been duped and manipulated into supporting them. As Amnesty International has stated, in most of these conflicts the CIA and MI6 has been found to be lurking somewhere in the background. Of course, not all of us want wars. Just some of us do. For instance; certain people who make huge amounts of money from wars, like the CEO’s of oil and armaments companies, and the shareholders that support them (1). But power, and raw political power is also a prominent feature of most if not all wars? Indeed today, wars are rarely fought to keep an enemy from invading our shores as used to be the case. No, sadly wars are started as profit ventures by fascist capitalists who see them as a way of both making billions of dollars whilst suppressing and culling populations at the same time. These fascists have secret little clubs (2) where they gather all together plotting how to start profitable wars whilst keeping anyone but themselves from making money out of them. That thousand’s upon thousands, if not millions of people may die in these wars matters to these capitalists not at all. Lost lives mean nothing whatsoever to them, their only concern is over the vast profits they make from these wars.

Just one answer to a very troublesome question, but to reach a true conclusion we must go back in time to the Second World War. When we do so we find out that even then these fascist capitalists were conspiring with Germany and their Nazi collaborators to profit from that war, which filled all those graveyards on the Normandy coast and many others elsewhere throughout, Britain, France, Canada, America and Russia and other countries (3).

Since those far off days, a clear ‘war pattern’ has formed in our history. The real rulers on our earth are rarely seen, they operate behind the scenes and buy corrupt politicians to do their dirty work for them. Some of who make vast amounts of money in the process. And when I say vast amounts of money, I don’t mean just millions, but billions of pounds and dollars! Most of which is reinvested back into more wars to make even more billions.

Most of these wars, covert and overt have been created by a succession of American Presidents and they have in most cases been fully supported by the United Kingdom. These wars took place in Greece, Italy, Iran, Guatemala, North Vietnam, Hungary, Laos, Haiti, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Congo (Zaire), Brazil, Indonesia, South Vietnam, Bolivia, Uruguay, Cambodia, Chile, Angola, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and Panama. Combined they resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent civilians (4). The present war in Iraq is simply a continuation of the process, and the recent ‘terrorist attacks’ in America and Britain are now seen as being ‘inside jobs’ with their aim being to deceive the public into supporting even more wars of repression.

Of course, it stands to reason that eventually some people would begin to figure out all these elaborate government deceptions and expose them to public view and they did so. Having your hopes and dreams shattered is bad enough, but having your loved ones thrown on to battlefields to die a horrible death so that corrupt rotten politicians can profit from it is almost unbelievable? It raises an anger that cannot easily be calmed, let alone forgotten. Over time some writers transferred their anger to paper in the form of articles, books and videos that exposed much of which had been hidden and suppressed by those who had profited from these vast schemes of corruption and crimes against humanity. Indeed, so much corruption began to be exposed by these writers that governments began to feel uncomfortably afraid. If allowed to continue these ‘dissidents’ would eventually uncover so much dirt many politicians just might all end up in prison – or even on death row.

Mass suppression and censorship isn’t new to any government (5). To some extend nearly all of them practice it in one form or another. But politicians can’t simply suppress their populations without having some very good reasons with which to allay fears that everyone in the country might be suppressed. People just might revolt? Therefore, governments had to have plausible reasons as excuses for their actions. Usually it was stated that they were protecting the nation from ‘communist aggression’ or ‘communist infiltration.’ As a result all newspapers, in fact the media in general, particularly television, was subjected to the kind of government censorship that prohibited them from publishing anything at all that might expose the real truth of government deception and mass criminality. This censorship and manipulation of the news media was in America enforced by the CIA and in Britain by MI5. So much so that millions of people the world over were completely fooled into believing many news items and political statements, which came from both the White House and Downing Street, and which were quite often a tissue of lies and totally untrue. We were in fact utterly brainwashed! And we continued to be fooled right up to the day when the Internet made worldwide mass communication possible for billions of people who detested the censorship they had been forced to live under. This new form of Internet freedom created a different kind of writer and began to open up a whole New World of knowledge that had never before existed. Censoring the Internet wasn’t easy. It could be done, and indeed, it is being done, but enough real information gets through, and so quickly, it’s hard to stifle or prevent. So now, we get all kinds of information and news not simply from a small one-sided source but from all over the world. This flow of knowledge has opened up our minds and altered our opinions in a great many ways. We are no longer isolated and manipulating our minds into believing outright lies is something politicians now cannot do easily.

Many people around the world still don’t have computers, nor can some people adapt to using them. But in time, almost everyone will have and be able to use a computer, both for research, education and entertainment. Indeed, before very long we shall all be watching thousands of uncensored television channels on our computers from all over the world (6)? Many documentary videos, which the mainstream media refuse to show us, are already out there.

These new developments are scaring many corrupt politicians half to death. They can look into the future and see themselves being exposed before the entire world! Their crimes can no longer be completely hidden away as they used to be so they are right to be scared. They know that in the future they are going to be held much more accountable than they have ever been before. They know that their lies will be quickly exposed and their deceptions quickly seen for what they are. They know that there is a time coming when people everywhere will demand a whole new system of government. One that must respond to them and which will be quickly disposed of if it doesn’t. A revolution is in progress. It is being fought with both words and bullets and it cannot be ignored. That many of today’s politicians are trying to ignore it by smearing, persecuting, torturing and murdering writers and other dissidents in vain efforts to prevent this future change is to be expected. That is what governments have always done. Under all the usual pretences, including ‘national security’ and ‘preventing terrorism’ they are now bringing in many more unjust and repressive laws. They are even building huge concentration camps in the USA hoping that threats of mass public internment will frighten a cowed population into continually supporting them, but it won’t (7).

They won’t be supported because most people have nothing to loose and everything to gain by ridding themselves of rotten dictators. Most people in the world now see their so-called freedom and democracy as being no more than a sham and the charade it is. Americans too have woken up and at least half of them clearly see their President for the corrupt tyrant he is, and their politicians in Congress as representing nobody but themselves. Just as the British have come to see their own Prime Minister as being no more than a corporate lackey and a tool of the intelligence services and their royal masters, and next as a puppet of the United States.

The largest terrorist organizations in the world are the tools of the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Al Qaeda is like a flea on the back of an elephant compared to the American CIA and Britain’s MI5 and MI6. All of, whom are guilty of torture, mass murder and gross human rights abuses that stagger the imagination. These government terrorist groups are a total blot on the face of civilization. Only the worst kinds of degenerates would have anything at all to do with them, let alone employ them to do their dirty work.

If we are going to have a future at all then it is going to be one with honest governments who are truly accountable to all the people, governments that don’t need homegrown terrorists to carry out their policies, whether at home or overseas. If we have wars, they are going to be wars against corruption, poverty, greed, censorship and oppression by an elite cabal of corporatists. Enough of our young people have died on the battlefield. If they must die, in future wars let it be for the right reasons. Let them die on their own soil in their own lands fighting for real freedom and a true democracy that they have long been denied. If a war abroad has to be fought let, the politicians who declare it be placed in the front line of battle.

Dr Les Dove.




(1) The Bilderberg Group.

(2) Skull and Bones Club.

(3) (Video) Bush Family Funds the Third Reich.

(4) A History of CIA Atrocities.

The CIA as a Terrorist Organization.

Timeline of CIA Atrocities.

(5) Censorship.

Manufacturing Consent.

(6) Democracy TV.

(7) Consentration Camps In America.

State-By-State Index of Potential US Concentration Camps.

See also:

(1) The 9/11 Truth Revolution.

New 911 Data.

(2) Were the London "Bombers" Set up?

The London Bombers.

(3) U.S. War Crimes, an International Vow of Silence.

(4) Subverting the Media.

(5) “Brainwashing America”, Norman D. Livergood.

(6) Article by R. William Davis, ‘SHADOW OF THE SWASTIKA’ Documented Evidence of a Secret Business and Political Alliance between the U.S. "Establishment" and the Nazis - before, during and after World War II - up to the present.

(7) Peddling democracy the US way. By Chalmers Johnson

(8) 9-11 Lawsuits Suppressed.

How Britain created Ulster's murder gangs

'The War on Democracy' (Video)

Huge 9/11 Cover-Up. Should George W. Bush be tried for treason?

Government Insider Says Bush Authorized 911 Attacks

Who Runs The World

The Energy None Crisis (video)

Greg Palst - What We Do Now (Election Fraud, Vote Fraud)

Police State III: Total Enslavement

Unconstitutional - The War on Our Civil Liberties

Bush Link to Kennedy Assassination Alex Jones 911 Conspiracy

Pilots for 9/11 truth

History of New Energy Invention Suppression Cases

America’s Tomorrow

Insiders' Secrets: Rampant Corruption in Government

Royal Raymond Rife (Cancer Cure Suppressed)

British Fascists

Mind the Gap

MI6 Are The Lords Of The Global Drug Trade

Mind Control By The British

Convert your car to Water Power

Total Population Control

The Home Page of Wade Frazier (Good Info – Read it all)


Was 9/11 an inside job?

Alex Jones Martial Law 911 Rise of the Police State

40 Bush lies!

Did Tony Blair order the London bombings?

America Plays Into The 'Two Party' Sham Yet Again.

"A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get."

-- Ian Williams Goddard

“Today real news is hidden from view, fake news is given prominence, truth is suppressed and fiction is promoted. Government and those in power are protected while those deemed enemy of the state are smeared. Myths and fables are granted attention while truths and realities are made to disappear, forever sent to the locked vaults of hidden fact where they will never see the light of day. The role of the fascist media is to protect the fascists, to smear those exposing truths, to ignore movements seeking truth to criminality, to enable the activities of the Bush cabal and to grant life to the manipulative mechanisms of the state. Its role is to keep the masses obedient, ignorant and subservient to the state, made unaware that every day their rights and freedoms evaporate, that every day they resemble the servants of the past and the serfs of the future.”

Manuel Valenzuela

“Certainly the security services and MI5 and so on have this superfluous building on Vauxhall Bridge costing millions of pounds and nowhere to go - so what do they do? They concentrate on animal rights, and they have a special unit (Special Branch) handing over information, which is supposed to be collected for specific purposes, mainly for the purposes of ensuring that there aren't any criminal offences being perpetrated. And what this case has demonstrated has been the criticism that has been made over the last 25 years by politicians and others working in the field of civil liberties, that at the end of the day it isn't about subverting the state, it isn't about criminal offences, it's all about keeping dossiers on everybody and ensuring that those who are seen to be intellectual and political threats are silenced.”

Mike Mansfield, during an interview. He is a UK leading defense barrister.