Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Yes, Americans have had another wake-up call, and this time they are really listening to it. It is election time and yet again another two politicians are telling them the same old story that it is time for change and that they are the men to bring that change about. But the sad truth is little more than ‘a likely story’ as the British would say, because the same huge corporations financially back both of these political candidates for the presidency. They are the same corrupt corporate forces that back almost all American political candidates. And so, those corporations will as usual be first in line when the election winner finally sits in the president’s office in the White House ready to do business. Those corporate forces will then all but demand that their interests be served first, which in effect means whatever was done for them by the last president will also be expected to be duplicated by the new one. And, as both of the presidential candidates have already stated, both are intent on doing just that – it is only the extent of that intent that is in doubt.

This particular election has galvanized American public into political action as never before. After eight years of suffering under the rule of a criminal president, who has turned the United States into an international pariah, brought the country close total ruin and made it all but a laughing stock. The people have had enough. They do indeed need change. But not the usual change at election time when one President is simply exchanged for another and things go on exactly as before. No, the people now want real change, and the real accountability of those who rule over them, two things that American’s have never had before. All of their previous elections have in fact been little more than scams where a belief in American democracy and freedom were once again reinforced within a huge televised charade that promised everything but offered nothing but the same old lies and deceptions politicians have always handed out. And now, finally, many millions of Americans have come to realize just that. Another fraudulent election will bring Americans out onto the streets in their millions.

When people work hard all their lives and pay their taxes, they rightly expect and deserve fair and proper representation. And when they do retire they also expect to be able to live their last few years decently and without want. That is after all what they have worked and saved for. As most of us have and do. Having those saving stolen or frittered away by people and investors they trusted then afterwards being thrown out onto the street because they couldn’t pay their rent or mortgage as a result of that betrayal is a disaster not easily faced or forgotten. Yet, this is exactly what has happened to untold millions of American citizens that now suddenly find themselves and their families out on the street, living in tents and feeding out of charitable soup kitchens, that have by necessity grown in size throughout most American cities. It is indeed a calamity most Americans never dreamed of experiencing. Something akin to the Great Depression, they had years ago but now again being relived by them all over again.

Of course, were the United States a true democracy, there would be no doubt. Knowing what the people wanted the new president would simply carry out their wishes to the best of his ability, irrespective of who did or not help to put him in power. But as any decent researcher now knows, America isn’t a democracy. That is simply a political ploy that has been used to fool the population into believing it is. The real truth is that America is actually run by a tiny percentage of the population, whose wealth and power controls and therefore dictates almost every action their president takes.

All presidents are in effect ‘owned’ by this tiny group of corporate elitists. There hasn’t been a single president that has been truly independent and willing to do what the vast majority of the population wanted him to do. They have all followed the dictates of the huge corporations doing whatever they desired, irrespective of anything the general public might have wanted them to do, and that my friend’s is fascism. As American government’s actions in supporting other brutal fascist governments all over the world has clearly shown – fascism is America’s own true system of government. So, the blatant and now commonplace rigging of elections that support far right candidates is easily explained; that is what fascists have always done and will continue to do. That is why both sides of the American congress have never supported the introduction of electronic voting machines that deliver printouts of exactly who was really voted for. Those printouts could be used to check and verify whether or not an election had been rigged, and that is something most American politicians don’t want. But many other methods of rigging elections are also used, so the cards are well and truly stacked against anyone who truly desires real democracy from any candidate no matter who they pretend to represent.

In my own country, Britain, the security services there make very sure that anyone who in any way wishes to change their corrupt political system for the betterment of all never gets into office in the first place. Anyone who does get into any political position of note has to swear their allegiance not to the people as such but to the British queen herself, along with her minions who have never been anything else but fascists. In Britain most of the people have long been manipulated into idiocy and they are quite convinced that they live in a ‘democracy’ simply because their ‘state media’ repeatedly tells them they do, so the British too have become stupid enough to believe almost anything they read in their newspapers or see on television. Accordingly, there is little if any difference at all between the deep political corruptions in either Britain or America.

But these two countries aren’t alone in their political deceptions by any means. Similar fascist regimes exist all over the world, most of which call their own political systems democratic, when in fact they are nothing of the kind. Yet, such is the power of psychology and clever political ploys most of the people in all these countries will swear on their lives that they live in a ‘democracy.’ Indeed, millions of people have died in ridiculous wars believing just that, as many more millions will die on future battlefields foolishly believing they are fighting to uphold their ‘freedom and democracy’ at home, wherever that may be, whilst the corporate fascists who sent them off to die are laughing their heads off as they count the huge fortunes they are making from their stupid unjust wars. And they will continue to do so as long as we let them get away with it. Just as we do their mortgage and other banking scams that have trapped an unwary public into tying themselves into all kinds of loans they cannot possibly repay.

Yes, I know that most of these peopled should have known better than to allow themselves to be conned into all these government-approved scams. But they haven’t been educated against these rotten corruptions. They have been brainwashed into freely accepting them as being necessary and good for the economy. Borrowing and spending, they have been told is good for them. Buy a new car, live in a splendid house, wear the best clothes and eat in the best restaurants. With a good credit card, anything is possible they say. And indeed, the public came to believe that it was. And there are hundreds of millions of these foolish people all over the world living in a dream they can’t possibly afford. As so many, more of them have just discovered.

Had our political representatives and governments kept an open eye on these various business scams they could have prevented many of these corporate abuses that did and still are taking place. But they didn’t and still don’t. They gave their full approval to all of them, knowing the inevitable outcome of such reckless business policies. They knew that eventually the bubble would burst, that people would loose their homes, businesses and jobs finishing up on what can only be called a scrap heap. But they didn’t give a damn, because they had ‘got theirs’ and they couldn’t care less about anybody else, they never really had. Once in office they simply went along with the rest of the rotten politicians doing what all the others did whilst waiting for the next election that would hopefully allow them to carry on doing exactly the same crazy things as before. Only a very few of them took any real interest in the public or their affairs, those that did and dared to speak out against the corrupt political system were in one way or another removed from office or to another part of the system where they could not affect it in any meaningful way.

So yes, we do need change and a far better system of government. Not the pretence of democracy as we now have, but true democracy where politicians are instantly accountable to the entire populace and where corrupt politicians of any political color can be removed from office instantly and barred from ever standing for public office again. There can be no more ‘black budgets’ and censorship that hide illegal actions by secret security services who covertly spend untold billions on fermenting wars and forcibly overturning democracies in other countries, only to turn them into fascist dictatorships that resemble their own. Everything in our governments should be open and above board. Censorship and Secrecy breeds more secrecy that inevitably leads to widespread corruption of all kinds. We have had too much of that already. It is time to open the books, time the cleaners came in and swept away all the rotten political garbage forever, which means that politicians of the future must serve the interests of all the people not just the few wealthy elitists as they do at present. But most of all the public must be truly educated into political reality, which means the media must stop manipulating them into believing lies and deceptions and start spreading the truth for a change instead of ignoring it. And that may just turn out to be the best change for all of us.

Those people who are fortunate enough to survive the present financial crisis will hopefully keep an open mind in the future. Governments too will think twice before they start recklessly trading across borders. Trying to make a fast buck without thinking ahead is not the way to go. Leaders should concentrate upon solidly developing their own economies rather than trying to emulate other economies abroad, which may well be overblown and overpriced if not outright fantasies, as some have now been shown to be. But most of all they should think twice before involving themselves with the United States and Britain. They are the evil devious twins of commerce as history well proves. They do nothing that won’t hugely enrich their masters no matter what the cost, whether it is money, land or lives. Whatever their promises are to you, you trust their governments at your peril. They conspire together; following each other’s example, doing whatever it takes to gain their rotten fascist ends, as a viewing of the documentary video ‘Confessions of an Economic Hit-Man’ and other research readily shows. If these countries conspire against, murder their own people and have to rig elections to remain in power, what do you think they have done and will continue to do elsewhere in the world?

“Whatever you do don’t tell my mother I work in the White House – she thinks I play piano in a whore house."

Dr Les Dove



Between Hope and Reality

No Currency Left to Buy the Big Lies

Is Redistribution Really All That Bad?

George Carlin On Voting In US Elections

Dying for free elections

The Diplomacy Of Lying

Best Interview: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Part I Video

The Vote Grab: Voting machines are unreliable and inaccurate

Noam Chomsky

Bush Trying to Avoid War Crimes Charges (video)

Pilots For 9/11 Truth.org

State – Sponsored Terror in the Western World

9/11 - The Ultimate Con

We shall be heard: Images of American activists

Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty – A Handbook for American Revolutionaries

Benjamin Fulford - You Can Handle The Truth 01/05

Destroying free and fair elections - state by state

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Here we go again, as usual whenever elite government gangsters are faced with having to accept even a mild form of democracy they start shouting and raving about ‘a communist threat’ when they themselves have been the real threat all along. A fascist threat that has dominated and fooled their citizens into believing their lies and deceptions over the last fifty years at least! What these deceivers don’t care to shout about is the fact that China, a communist nation, has through giving the United States vast and continuous loans, kept its rotten fascism from going under for years on end. But now, even China can’t save American capitalism from its own corruption. The rot is just too bad and far too deep, yet America still hasn’t thrown in the towel. In vain attempts to save themselves America’s secret rulers have decided to sacrifice the entire nation if need be. Indeed, they are prepared to do anything at all, including starting a nuclear war, if doing so will maintain the pretence of their so-called ‘democracy’ and its own greedy corrupt and disintegrating banking system. A system that managed to fool many other banks all over the world into following the same devious business practices that in the end could only lead to their utter disgrace and possible failure.

That few banks have, so far, failed is due to a government bailout. So once again, taxpayer’s money has been used in a face-saving measure that has in no way corrected the many errors by a banking industry that should have had more integrity and far better judgment but didn’t. As a result, millions of people have and will continue to loose their homes and their businesses.

That the American people could tolerate an ignorant and uncaring fascist tyrant, as George W. Bush has proven himself to be, is remarkable to say the least. Though not so remarkable was that such a man was elected to their highest office in the first place. Americans have become notable for their political ignorance, and their ability to readily believe almost any lie or deception their politicians utter, no matter how blatant. They can’t even tell the difference between a socialist and a communist. Americans have been brainwashed into believing that there is no difference at all. So, when some bird-brain of a politician like Sarah Palin starts ranting about a ‘communist takeover’ millions of stupid Americans will no doubt believe her without having a second thought, which is of course exactly what Palin wants. Fear is what has kept the people of America in line, willing to do anything that keeps any ‘imaginary foe’ from having anything at all to do with running the country in any way whatsoever.

That the false fear induced by politicians has led to the trashing of the American constitution and the removal of almost all of their ‘rights’ appears to have meant nothing to most citizens. That they have been used and abused in so many ways by their so-called leaders seems not to have registered at all. That their greatest enemy is not socialism or communism but their own government, is for most American’s entirely unthinkable. Indeed, so dumbed-down have they become they rarely think for themselves at all. When brave independent leaders in other countries are elected by and truly intend to serve those who elected them Americans are all too ready to believe that such leaders are ‘communist inspired’ rather than ‘inspired by true freedom’ which was the cause of their election to the highest office, simply because American’s have never known true and real freedom, as their history clearly shows.

A huge never ending propaganda campaign has led Americans into positively believing that they live in the greatest and freest country on earth when in fact they have always been totally controlled by a tiny fascist fraction of their population that has without fail trampled civil and human rights wherever it found them beginning to flower. Slavery, of both black and white people, was hugely popular in America during its early years, and when poor people tried to organize proper unions to defend themselves they were brutally put down and replaced by corrupt thugs who always gave in to government pressure. State Governor’s and the police were always mostly corrupt, just as most still are, whilst anyone who even dared to try and organize decent honest leadership in government was framed, imprisoned or assassinated. As they still are. Whilst the claims of a free press in America are also blatantly untrue. The mainstream media in America is now and has been controlled by the CIA for at least fifty years. Just as MI5 controls the media in Britain. Censorship of the mainstream press, both direct and indirect, is absolute in both countries. What we do know about government corruption today is due largely to the Internet, never the popular press which always prominently features whatever the government wants people to believe, which is rarely the whole truth about any subject. That is why governments are so eager to take over the Internet completely, which they may well do in time. That means the CIA will be running the Internet in America and MI5 will be running it in the United Kingdom. If that does happen you can say goodbye to the truth forever, you will be lucky to see or hear it ever again.

In the meantime, the American Government is trying to think of a way it can extract itself from the current deplorable mess it has made of the country. So again, more wars will be on their agenda. War, any war, self-induced or not always takes on a life of its own and unfailingly distracts people from thinking too much about anything else. Wars also gives emergency powers to tyrants who use that vast power to put down any insurrection or revolt a population may be thinking of bringing about. An event that George W. Bush and his gang of thieves and liars are well prepared for. As are his tame generals and police chiefs throughout America, all of whom undoubtedly will ‘carry out their orders’ no matter how anti-democratic or authoritarian they may be. So those dumbed-down Americans who continually believed all of Bush’s lies over the years and their own illusions of democracy will no doubt get quite a shock when his Nazi storm troopers start shooting protesters down on the streets and start carting off the survivors to concentration camps and worse.

Make no mistake, Gorge W. Bush or any fascist successor to him will do exactly that to hold on to their total power over American citizens. They have to if they are to survive and hold on to the fortunes they have gained through defrauding the American people. To submit to real democracy would mean the eventual arrest and public trial for all those people in and out of government who have rigged elections and all but stripped America clean, hidden their ill-gotten gains in offshore banking accounts, and started wars, declared or not, that have unlawfully killed millions of innocent civilians all over the world. These are the monsters that have brought the United States close to ruin and may yet succeed in doing so given half the chance. Their acts against the American people cannot be glossed over in any respect. These criminals must all be removed from power if the country is to regain respect internationally in any way at all. Justice must be done and indeed, seen to be done. If it is not then you can say goodbye America, forever.

To keep himself and his criminal associates out of The International Criminal Court for committing gross human rights crimes and other criminal acts, as did Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein, George W. Bush may stage yet another ‘false flag operation’, a huge and ‘tragic distraction’ right at home in America. Not something like 9/11 mind you, that was far too small an atrocity for what he and his henchmen might now have in mind. Three thousand or a few more deaths won’t bring the results he’s looking for. He needs something really big and so monstrous it will shock every one of his syncopates into immediate abeyance and acceptance of anything that he demands, including the arrest and imprisonment of half the population if he deems that necessary for his survival. A nuclear device would do that. Were such a weapon used on Americans, Bush the tyrant would have no hesitation whatsoever about unleashing American military might and power on any government or people he wanted to including his own, which would of course mean any of the countries that now appose his fascist foreign and domestic policies. Excepting of course, those countries that also have nuclear arms and are quite prepared to use them in retaliation should they be attacked by American forces? George W. Bush is a bully. He would never dare attack anyone capable of fully defending their country. Were he to do so he knows beyond any doubt that the United States of America would be wiped off the face of the earth within a few minutes. So no, he won’t do that. What he would do is to attack a country totally unable to defend itself against nuclear weapons, after which his tame media would, as it did on 9/11, bring out fabrication after fabrication, and lie after lie to back up and excuse anything ‘the president’ had supposedly been ‘forced to do to defend the country from communism, terror and the forces of evil’. That you can bet on. And that is why the United States has always apposed the World Criminal Court. America has as a nation committed so many crimes against humanity probably every president ever elected would have been arrested by the World Court, tried and duly hung.

The American dollar today is no longer the king of currencies. It can no longer be trusted to retain its value from one day to the next. The European Euro has already beaten the American dollar into the ground, and that in its turn may well fall to the Chinese Yuan or the Japanese Yen as the most stable and trusted currencies. Indeed, the formation of new truly democratic governments in South America has already led them to believe that the American dollar has no real future at all and so they are in the process of talking about a new currency altogether, which was only to be expected considering the terrible decline of America.

If George W. Bush declares Martial Law, as he might well do if the American people decide to revolt, his so-called ‘War on Terror’ can then be fully implemented within the American mainland. That would effect every person in the country to a degree they never ever expected simply because the entire population will be viewed as potential ‘terrorists’. Indeed, some political dissenters already have been labeled as such. As may anybody else who dares to try and actually use their so-called democratic rights of protest against internal tyranny and repression in America? So those who are brave enough to join such a protest grouping might well loose their homes, if they haven’t already, added to which everything else they own will be confiscated by the state. So being carted off to some concentration camp out in the wilderness somewhere won’t be the only thing they have to worry or protest about by any means. The fact of such people, or victims should I say, not being ‘real’ terrorists won’t matter a dot. Under the present US laws now in effect the government, or any of its agents, don’t have to prove anything before they arrest any American citizen. Purely a perception of anyone being ‘a terrorist’ is enough to cast any citizen into a pit of hell they never suspected existed, possibly forever. So, welcome to the gulag and the real America folks. You will at last finally know and appreciate what real patriots, American or otherwise, have been suffering for all of these past years. But most of all you will discover the depth your ignorance and the true nature of your own country.

The mere prospect of a black American like Barack Obama taking the office of President has already brought out the worst of American racists. Threats of him being assassinated by neo-Nazis cannot be taken lightly. The hatred of white supremacists against anyone but their own kind runs deep. The real possibility of political change that Barack Obama talks about and what America badly needs may be a long way from the change Americans actually hope to get in the coming months and years.

“The CIA is not an intelligence agency. In fact, it acts largely as an anti-intelligence agency, producing only that information wanted by policymakers to support their plans and suppressing information that does not support those plans. As the covert action arm of the president, the CIA uses disinformation, much of it aimed at the U.S. public, to mold opinion. It employs the gamut of disinformation techniques from forging documents to planting and discovering “communist” weapons caches. But the major weapon in its arsenal of disinformation is the “intelligence” it feeds to policymakers.”

Ralph McGhee: a 25-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency.

"A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get."
Ian Williams Goddard

Dr Les Dove


Bush Trying to Avoid War Crimes Charges (video)

Pilots For 9/11 Truth.org

What Will YOU Do About The Worst Capitalist Crisis Since The 1930s?

The Vote Grab: Voting machines are unreliable and inaccurate

State – Sponsored Terror in the Western World

Shame And The 2008 Election

"October Surprise": Preparing for "Something Unexpected”?

The World After the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election

'You hear them say Obama will be assassinated'


How we got George Bush - It’s no secret -
the election was a fraud (Video)

Palin Unhinged: Obama Could Mean Nightmare Communist State

The Diplomacy Of Lying

How these gibbering numbskulls came to dominate Washington

U.S. Opposes International Court

Meet the World's New Reserve Currency: The Chinese Yuan

The Fleecing of America

What “incredibly tough” foreign policy actions is Obama preparing?

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Part I Video

(1 of 4) Benjamin Fulford interview with David Rockefeller

Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty – A Handbook for American Revolutionaries

Cuba, EU re-establish cooperative ties

US suspends Bolivia trade pact

How to Stop the Rigging of Election '08

Air Force Wants 'Freedom to Attack' Online


Signs of slowdown spiral around the world

Arms For The Poor

"The CIA infiltrated state government"


The Dark Side Of The "Free World"

The Death Squads

The Mafia, the CIA and Bush Sr.

Are You Ready For Nuclear War?

Election fraud USA

How Britain Wages War

Britain's War in the Cause of Fear and Ignorance

Clueless in America

Globalist Controlled Media 1-2

Subverting the Media.

‘BRAINWASHING: How The British Use The Media for Mass Psychological Warfare’

Unconstitutional - The War on Our Civil Liberties

America has a debt of $480,000 per US household

9/11 - The Ultimate Con

The Secret History of the American Empire

Top Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups in Mass Media

How Britain created Ulster's murder gangs

ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement (2007)

Truth, Lies and US War Crimes

Blackwater: The Shadow War

When Will Americans Have Had Enough

Insiders' Secrets: Rampant Corruption in Government

The Secret Government

The Secret History of the American Empire

A History of CIA Atrocities.

Special Operations Prepared for Domestic Missions

Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing tactics, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception - Mark Twain

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


The only things that appear to be booming in America today are homeless shelters and soup kitchens. New York city's homeless shelter population has been mounting steadily for years, from 21,100 people per night in 1998 to 35,200 in April 2007, an increase of about 65 percent. The number of children has now increased by 18 percent, to over 14,000. Even many people there who have jobs cannot afford to eat properly. It has become a matter of paying the rent or eating, one or the other but not both. In many American states, 100 people at least are loosing their homes every day. The huge financial scandal there brought on by sheer greed has brought millions upon millions of citizens down to the level faced by other people living in third world countries. And for the third time the Americans are seriously thinking about a revolution to change the way their country is being run. There has been scandal after scandal in their country followed by so many lies they can’t be counted. They even have a president accused of war crimes and murder. Indeed, the trust in the American government has fallen to an all-time low. So much so, that plans to put combat ready troops out on to the city streets are now in force. The people have had enough – and it is finally beginning to show. They don’t just want a new president anymore they want an entirely new political system that represents them – not the corporations who have long dominated the American political system and who now all but own every politician in the country. The people want and are demanding real change and will be satisfied with nothing less.

The American Kennedy assassinations and the cover-up – Martin Luther King assassination and the cover-up – Oklahoma City bombing and the cover-up – The World Trade Center and Building Seven cover-up, the Pentagon cover-up, British London bombing cover-up and finally the latest banking scandal that has brought America and other countries almost to their knees. All huge tragedies that have in one way, or another effected every one of us. These terrible crimes should have all been thoroughly investigated and the facts concerning them fully explained and exposed to a public that cried out for the whole truth about them to be told. But it wasn’t and still hasn’t been. What we did get was evasions and lies of every description from almost every official quarter, right up to and including the presidents and prime ministers of the day. No matter how many none- government experts came out with documented evidence that effectively contradicted the ‘official stories’ of these events, they were all ‘officially’ denied a proper hearing. Indeed, the ‘official media’ goes out of its way to denigrate anyone who dares to voice an independent view of any of the many serious issues that surrounded us in the past or even today.

Whilst the United Kingdom and the United States both continually carp on about ‘freedom of speech and expression’, the only people who are truly allowed to freely vent those virtues are the ones that agree with those in power, whether they be government spokesmen or the hugely wealthy industrialists and corporations that control governments. Politicians in government who were elected to serve the interests of the people as a whole almost always remain strangely silent when vast crimes committed by governments are exposed to public view, unless of course those governments serve the vested interests of Britain and the United States, then they are supported no matter how corrupt they are. They all appear to band together as one to protect ‘the state’ no matter how barbaric or corrupt that state my have become. The few politicians who have spoken out against corrupt government actions are deemed ‘unpatriotic’ and denounced by the ‘state media’ who even go so far as to call them ‘traitors.’

Genuine patriots who refuse to be fobbed off with government fairy tales are more often than not warned off by state ‘security services’ of various kinds all of whom also band together in efforts to silence dissenters by any means available to them, legal or not. Which serves as a warning to anyone else who might in any way wish their own truth to become public knowledge? Such people might appeal to their Member of Parliament or their Congress for help or protection when such threats are directed at them but these plea’s invariably go unanswered. Politicians who supposedly represent ordinary people are usually very afraid of ‘rocking the boat’ in any serious way, least their own careers bite the dust. Indeed ‘their own careers’ seem to be the only thing that really matters to most politicians once they are elected. One thing that has now become abundantly clear is that our ‘democracies’ have been proven to be no more than the myths most people have long suspected them to be. Only fools still believe the lies, deceptions and propaganda coming out of Downing Street or the White House. These houses of power are and have been occupied by nothing more than elite corporate crooks for a very long time. Certainly long, enough to convince a tired and wary public that they have no say in anything at all that is considered as being important. The general public is simply looked upon as consumers by the authorities, and if they don’t consume they aren’t considered at all.

A peaceful revolution to right all the many wrongs visited upon the British and an American population is certainly long overdue. People have a right to decent and honest representation no matter where they live. It has become glaringly obvious that change in these countries won’t come through the ballot box. The ballots are rigged in both countries, more so today than ever before. In Britain the Queens military security services makes very sure nobody threatens her savage stranglehold over the country. They operate totally outside of any law and do whatever they wish without censure of any kind. In America, the ballot box has brazenly been thwarted by the rigged and now notorious Diebold voting machines, along with other rotten methods that crooked politicians and their minions have used to make sure that only corporations and their bought politicians continue to misrule their country.

If real democracy can take root in other countries to get rid of their corrupt and rotten dictators there is no reason at all why true democracy can’t take root in Britain and America. But make no mistake; a revolt that has real democracy for its aim will be violently apposed by the very powerful in both these countries. Their regimes like to talk a lot about ‘freedom and democracy’ but when it comes down to actually providing it, they will do everything in their power to prevent it becoming a reality. So a peaceful revolution as has happened in Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, South Africa, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia and elsewhere might not be possible. Asking for political change is one thing, demanding it is quite another. In attempts to scare the public into supporting them government spokesmen have gotten into the habit of accusing anyone apposing them of committing the same evil acts that our own governments have been secretly committing all over the world for years. Therefore, a whole gamut of charges will be brought against anyone demonstrating for true democracy in Britain or America. They will of course be accused of being ‘communists or communist inspired’, that goes almost without saying. “Trying to overthrow democracy’ will be next on the list, as will charges of being ‘subversives, anarchists’ and ‘terrorists’ along with a string of other charges all aimed at inflaming any section of the public who is stupid enough to believe anything if they read it in the state press or see on television. And let’s be honest – there are still a lot of those people out there. But they aren’t thinkers or doers; they will quickly fall in line when they see millions upon millions of good strong people out on the streets calling for real change. They always do, these people are followers not leaders.

And there is something else to consider. When the so-called leaders in Britain and America finally do realize that an open revolution is really in earnest, they won’t simply step down from office and give up their power as would happen in a proper democracy. Because they don’t believe in true democracy, they never have. So, they will turn out the police and the troops in force. They will be fully armed and be quite prepared to use those arms against anyone apposing them if ordered to do so. Whether that opposition is a strong man, a young boy or an elderly grandmother will make no difference at all. Kent State proved that, as have other incidents. The police and other security forces will also undoubtedly plant weapons and provocateurs amongst the protesters. Many of them may well be shot and killed without a seconds thought. Because that is what happens in police states, so remove any doubts you may have on that score. Britain and America have already been responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people all over the world, they won’t hesitate to kill more, even in their own countries. No matter how many people appose their dictatorships. Blood will be shed and lives will be lost. Whether or not you believed your country capable of taking such action against you simply for demanding true democracy and real freedom will be proved one way or the other. Whatever, that is the price that has unfortunately to be paid for true democracy. Real change doesn’t come cheap. It never has. But if it’s any consolation, there will be many other countries cheering the people on. Whatever sacrifice they make won’t be in vain. And the alternative media will certainly give protesters good coverage, even if the mainstream state media won’t. As will the Internet, whose many alternative Web sites can be expected to spread the news of real change in Britain and America all over the world as it happens.

Protestors should also remember that many concentration camps have already been built in the United States, along with special trains to take many thousands of prisoners to them. So, it stands to reason that the authorities have been long expecting a huge uprising from the masses of people who are no longer prepared to submit to government tyranny of any kind, particularly from their own government. As in Germany under the Nazis, these American internment camps will after an uprising soon be filled with outraged dissenting citizens. There also appears to be little doubt that prisoners in these camps will receive treatment that is any different than that dished out by the Nazis, simply because many of today’s so-called leaders in Britain and America have exactly the same mindset as the Nazis did. They have proven that over the last fifty years in other countries all over the world, so it would be foolish to believe that citizens of Britain or America would be treated any differently. I know for sure they won’t in Britain. I have already personally experienced the horrors of its police state and Nazi henchmen. My own research, along with other researchers in America, leaves me in no doubt about what happens to dissenters there now and will in the future. Indeed, military exercises have already taken place throughout the United States in case Martial Law is declared. Senators are already being pressured to allow such an action and they may well do so in the very near future. Some American soldiers who were serving in Iraq have as a precaution already been transferred back home to the states in preparation for any actions that they may have to take against their own fellow American citizens anywhere in the country.

Surprisingly ten’s of millions of people in Britain and America still somehow believe that they have some kind of protection against state tyranny under their so-called Bill’s of Rights, particularly so in America where people constantly refer to their ‘Constitution’ as it being the mother of all constitutions. However, during the last few years any protections these ‘Constitutions’ offered to citizens have been rendered totally worthless in almost every respect by the introduction of various ‘Patriot and Terrorist Acts’. So, not only will these ‘Constitutions’ not protect anyone from being persecuted, or worse, by ‘the state’ or it’s agents, protestors will in fact be considered as some kind of ‘terrorist’ by the FBI simply for referring to such a document as a defense against any actions they may take against demonstrators. The truth is that today citizens have no defense whatsoever against any actions ‘the state’ may take against them. All their so-called ‘Civil Rights’ have been removed. So, any British or American citizen who really is seriously thinking about joining ‘the revolution’ must be fully prepared for all eventualities when the true face of their government is finally revealed.

‘Patriotism means supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.’
Mark Twain


The American People Must Grab Their Freedom Now

Martial Law Has Arrived - U.S. Army Arrives and is Deployed in the U.S. to "Keep the Peace" Part 2 of 2

U.S. Army prepares to invade U.S.

Lindsey Williams - The Energy Non-Crisis - Part 1 of 8

America’s Political Cannibalism

Outside the Box 29 (Featuring Ted Gunderson)

Vote Rigging and Suppression Ahead of the 2008 Election (Video)

Designed to fail: Systemic flaws in electronic voting machines

ECONOMY-US: Shelters and Soup Kitchens Hold Crisis Front Lines

What will the US foreign policy be tomorrow?

Exposing Bush Administration Corruption

Criminalizing peace

One Nation Under Siege (Must watch video)

The Illusion of Sovereignty

A note of appreciation from the rich

State Sponsored Terrorists: Secrets of the CIA Part 1 (Video)


Dispatches: Stealing Your Freedom

Election fraud USA

Noam Chomsky - America is not a Democracy

John Stockwell: The Third World War

The Secret History of the American Empire – John Perkins

Jordan Maxwell - Queen of England Exposed 4/4

Legislating Tyranny

Politically motivated police violence in the US


7/7 - The Ripple Effect

London Bombings Data Page

America Bombings Date Page

American Domination & Corruption

Death Threats by US Black Ops

7/7 Bombings Final Word: Her Majesty's Terrorist Network

Common Purpose the Unseen Invasion - Brian Gerrish

Targeted Individuals (TI's) Video

You Think You Are Free?

Top Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups in Mass Media

Mr. Bush You Are A Fascist (Video)

Following Orders

Secrets of the CIA - a revealing look at CIA covert operations

Most of Us Will Eat Shit Until the Day We Die

The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers

Ring of Power (Must see!)

More faked evidence in the Kennedy Assassination

The true inside facts about the 7/7 London bombings

State-Sponsored Terror in the Western World

Subverting the Media

MI5 and Torture in the UK

TerrorStorm: A History of Government-Sponsored Terrorism (2006)

The War on Democracy

How Britain created Ulster's murder gangs

State Terrorism Par Excellence

Information Control For Social Manipulation

American Blackout (2006)

Greg Palst - What We Do Now (Election Fraud, Vote Fraud)

ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement (2007)

Insiders' Secrets: Rampant Corruption in Government

Intellectuals Speak Out

Unconstitutional - The War on Our Civil Liberties

MI6 Are The Lords of the Global Drug Trade

Targeting Journalists






The leaders of the so-called ‘free world’, three of which are Britain, the United States and Israel, are today all shaking in their boots as never before. Not because of Iran or other mythical foreign enemies but simply out of fear of their own populations. The worldwide spread of political truth through the Internet has clearly shown anyone with a grain of intelligence how the above governments have lied to and manipulated their populations over the last fifty years at least, and people everywhere are at last finally beginning to realize how these scams that have been played upon them.

The originators of these huge political scams have used politicians, the military, paramilitary police forces and the media to enforce their deceptions, usually under the guise of protecting citizens from some supposed evil, whether that be criminals of one kind or another or foreign governments that ‘threaten democracy’ and the ‘freedom’ citizens are supposed to enjoy, neither of which has in truth been fully applied in any of the above countries. Indeed, when anyone in these countries has stood up and demanded real freedom many of them have been ruthlessly denigrated, put down, imprisoned or assassinated by their governments.

The ‘democracy’ people are said to enjoy is the rule over them by less than 1% of the entire population which is usually fronted by royalty and the wealthy few elitists who by various means control the assets of their country, while ‘freedom’ means no more than people being free to live by doing exactly as they are told by those who tower over and dominate them with an iron fist, which is hardly democracy as most people imagine it to be.

These fabled ‘freedoms’ are enforced by a continuous procession of politicians that go along with the game as they pretend to represent ‘the people’ and defend ‘their rights’ when all along they know that the only rights they will ever protect are those of ‘their masters’ which was the only reason the ‘security services’ ever allowed them to become involved in ‘politics’ in the first place. So-called ‘opposition’ political parties when in power have clearly shown themselves to be no more than a part of the same old charade that allows the deceptions to continue on exactly as before.

Research today can very quickly prove what kind of ‘democracy and freedom’ the above three countries really believe in. Britain’s military security services MI5 and MI6 and the police Special Branch have always been headed by hard headed royalists and fascists who have been quick to put down any perceived real opposition to royalty - without any reference to any law that might restrict their efforts in any way. These organizations are the strongholds of the British queens terrorists and as such, they denigrate, frame, torture and murder at will anyone they consider to be a threat to her rule. This is the kind of ‘democracy’ they protect.

The United States is no better in any respect. Indeed, it is even worse. Their National Security Agency, NSA, the FBI and the CIA, plus various other secret agencies, have spread their rejection and repression of any ‘opposition’ to the USA all over the world. Not content with denigrating and assassinating political dissidents in America they have spread their sinister phony version of ‘democracy’ to so many other countries that the USA has now become the most hated country in the entire world. So much so that even some of the dumbest of Americans are themselves beginning to question their own government true objectives, which is really saying something, considering just how politically brainwashed most Americans are!

That Israel too has literally thrown away the goodwill of so many people worldwide is astonishing to say the least. That a country who suffered so much under the Nazis, but who is now eagerly duplicating that Nazi evil against the Palestinians in many ways, boggles the mind. Who on earth can be leading them to such madness?

When countries such as the above turn to wholesale repression, authorize the torture, and murder of their own citizens plus millions of other people, what are they trying to protect? True democracies don’t torture and murder anyone, let alone their own people. But Britain, America and Israel now use torture and the worst kinds of repression simply as a matter of course. Indeed, they appear to delight in using such methods. That a huge number of their unfortunate victims are in fact innocent of any crime whatsoever seems to matter to them not at all. The end justifies the means they tell us, but what can the end result of such terror be, but more terror still – for almost everyone.

Of course, the use of such terrible methods against any perceived ‘opposition’ might simply just be a warning to us all from the authorities. For simply labeling, any ‘dissident’ as being a ‘terrorist’ will be all that is needed by them to torture and murder any of us. What was thought to be ‘our civil rights’ have been removed completely. They no longer exist under the so-called terrorist laws that have been introduced. Anyone – under any excuse that serves ‘security purposes’ can be arrested, denied legal council, imprisoned forever, tortured and murdered by any of the above countries and there isn’t a damn thing the victims of such repression can do about it – nothing!

Yet this is democracy we are repeatedly told – and indeed asked to protect it would you believe? So, these tyrannical governments, their security services and their masters have laid it on the line for us. They have shown us graphic examples of their tyranny. Agree to whatever they demand, no matter how mad, degrading or just plain stupid those demands may be. Agree with us or else they say? It brings to mind that old saying about ‘dying on your feet or living on your knees’ doesn’t it. Well, the Chinese and Koreans refused to live on their knees, as did the Vietnamese. The people of Iraq are doing the same in trying to free their own country from American oppression. And so should we. If the people in Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia and other countries can elect leaders and governments who truly do represent their peoples interests so can we. These countries aren’t our enemies they are our friends and a good example to us. Fortunately, the United States appears to be on the way out of dominating the entire world. It is broke, bankrupt and deeply in the red, only being kept afloat by huge injections of capital borrowed from China. It’s rotten greed and corruption has come home to roost as most American’s are now seeing for them selves. People who retired there are by necessity now having to think about going back to work again just to survive. It is time for a new start in America under an honest decent new political system. That goes for Britain and Israel too.

There is enough wealth in the world for all people to live decently and well. For a very few people to have untold wealth and power whilst billions of other people cannot even get enough food to eat or clean water to drink every day is a monstrous crime. Yet, Britain, America and Israel spend billions and billions on stupid horrible wars without having a second thought about it, simply to keep a few ignorant fascists in power – all under the pretence of protecting ‘democracy and freedom’. Well, my friends in those countries, if you really believe that you have those things I suggest that you use them to get rid of the tyrants who rule over you, and quickly whilst you still have the time. In trying to do so, you will undoubtedly see the real face of your country as I did mine. The rest of the world has seen the truth and it will not much longer tolerate the hate of real freedom and democracy that comes out of Britain, America and Israel, no matter what the cost of resisting that hatred may be.

That resistance is indeed taking place in the above named countries has been demonstrated by the huge increase of police powers and armaments. The authorities are looking upon simple public demonstrations almost as ‘terrorist acts’ and those committing them are hauled off to jail on the flimsiest of excuses. In any real democracy, the police would be protecting these demonstrators, standing up for their right to protest not persecuting them. But instead of that we see the police brutally attack and beat up protestors time after time, acts upon their fellow citizens that prove just how willing the police are to ‘follow orders’ no matter how wrong or undemocratic those orders may be. Honest journalists have become a prime target for these police thugs who now also see themselves as being above the law. Indeed, almost unlimited police powers under the various ‘terrorist acts’ now in force have placed the police into the position of being the new ‘Gestapo’ who can round up people at will and do to them whatever they wish without fear of any reprisal from their superiors. Again, apparently to instill fear in other people lest they too decide to stand up for their rights and protest. So, people who once believed that their police and security services could never be like the German Nazis under any circumstances are now having to think again. Fascism is a breeder of Nazis no matter what country tolerates or promotes it. And any country that does so cannot be a democracy, only a police state no matter what its leaders claim it to be.

That is why Britain, America and the Israeli governments are so afraid of their populations today. When such huge police powers are needed to control what are claimed to be free societies it becomes quite obvious over time that ‘freedom’ is just a word and unless it is allowed to flourish it simply doesn’t exist. Indeed, under overpowering secrecy laws and restrictions of all kinds, freedom cannot exist, and many millions of people are finally realizing that, some of who are becoming brave enough to dissent and protest no matter what the result of their doing so may be.

When many prominent people in any society commit dissent and protest, their governments become more afraid than ever. When ordinary people dissent, governments usually write them off as ‘cranks and troublemakers’ but when prominent highly intelligent people speak out many people listen to them. Highly respected people are looked upon as being dangerous by governments. That is why dictators and other tyrants quickly get rid of such people whenever possible. Unlike most other people who can be hoodwinked, intelligent people cannot so easily be fooled by government deceptions. They see through glib political charades and dissect them until the truth is clearly revealed. Politicians hate dissents, and other people who see through their lies. They prefer ignorance every time when people can be fooled and deceived into doing almost anything under the guise of ‘supporting patriotism’ or some other fine sounding phrase. Not something any decent person of note would ever fall for. They require proof regarding government actions and are prone to quickly speaking out when they disagree. And they can’t be bribed into silence by royal honors, medals or positions of authority as most other people are. They will settle for nothing but the truth. If that is not forthcoming, they continue to protest and expose government corruption wherever they find it. Which today, unfortunately, is almost everywhere one cares to look? I’m talking about John Pilger, Noam Chomsky, Michael Parenti and other researchers. These brave people often pay dearly for their honesty. Security ‘smear artists’ trash their reputations relentlessly, and they are almost always denied real positions of authority in any profession. Indeed, in many cases they are denied any employment at all. They suffer in many ways that the general public never gets to hear about. But these men and women are the real heroes of our time. My respect for them knows no bounds. Eventually, one way or another, the whole world will become aware of their contribution to the future when real freedom and democracy does finally exist for us all.

The largest terrorist networks in the world, organized and run by Britain, America and Israel, have all committed gross human rights crimes, yet these countries dare to lecture other countries on the ‘evils of terrorism.’ This must surely be the highpoint of hypocrisy. That these terrorist states dare to try and dictate what sovereign countries worldwide can or not do is laughable. Do they really think that decent men and women would stoop to commit the same vast crimes against their own and other people as Britain, America and Israel has, and still does? They must think that everyone is a fascist.

If the mainstream media fairly reported, what is happening in our world much of the horror we face would be exposed and hopefully be ended by a huge public outcry. But it doesn’t report the truth. Simple omission of facts and gross censorship is rife throughout the industry. Many dissidents in Britain reported gross human rights abuses by the security services there, including torture, for well over ten years but not one newspaper printed a single word about what was happening. They still don’t. Web sites that dared to do so were quickly closed down. To a lesser extent, the same things happen in the United States. The mainstream media is owned by huge corporations – the same organizations that are behind much of the suffering in the world, so any article that would in any way expose these vast corporations for what they really do is simply censored out of the news. Many so-called facts put out in the media are no more than blatant distortions and lies, particularly so where articles about countries apposed to US domination are concerned. Most of what British and American’s read in their newspapers is little more than trash. If you want the truth about almost any story of note you have to do your own research to get at the real facts. You certainly won’t find them in any mainstream newspaper. Their real purpose is propaganda and they do it very well.

Dr Les Dove



Economic Hitman

Chomsky: "The Majority of the World Supports Iran"

CIA is run by Nazis

The Assassination of JFK Junior - Murder by Manchurian Candidate

Orwell Rolls in His Grave

Americans Have Little To Be Proud Of

Finding the Toilet in Stockholm

Iraq: They Make It a Desert and Call It Peace

Gasoline is toxic waste – literally

Will Wall Street's Meltdown Turn America Into a Police State?

Rafael Correa looks to a 'just' Ecuador

Violations of Sovereignty

Bailout Can't Hide It - The United States Is Broke

A Bailout and a New World

Oil and tyranny Parts 1-3 Videos

Six Years in Guantanamo

Lies, Crimes and Cover-ups

The Illusion of Sovereignty

Contractor says immune from Iraq torture lawsuits

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,267,401"
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,173
Cost of U.S. War and Occupation of Iraq $557,653,031,308


End Game – Why People Hate America

9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising

State Sponsored Terrorists: British MI5 and MI6 Exposed

The Secret Government: CIA Operations Part 1 (Video)

Looking at America's Police State

Breaking The Silence


Mass UK Mind Control Technology Now A Reality

Michael Parenti -- Functions of Fascism (Real History) 1 of4

Super times for super yachts

The CIA’s Secret War

Noam Chomsky (Video)

Turning Away From American State Terrorism

World Bank: Two and a half billion people live on less than $2 a day

Fascism Anyone?

MI5 and MI6 Exposed

Wake Up America - video

The Dark Side Of The "Free World"

The Death Squads

The Mafia, the CIA and Bush Sr.

The CIA, Contras, Gangs, and Crack

United States Unfolding Financial and Economic Nightmare

Are You Ready For Nuclear War?

Election fraud USA

How Britain Wages War

The Patriot Act is Bullshit

Noam Chomsky - America is not a Democracy

The Secret History of the American Empire

Matrix Of Evil

John Stockwell: The Third World War

The Secret History of the American Empire – John Perkins

Britain's War in the Cause of Fear and Ignorance

Michael Parenti - The Struggle for History

Propaganda as Journalism

Jordan Maxwell - Queen of England Exposed 4/4

Legislating Tyranny

Bush has a sneering contempt for the law. (Must see video)

Barbarians At the Gates

Clueless in America

Globalist Controlled Media 1-2

American Domination & Corruption

Are You Ready to Face the Facts About Israel?

Death Threats by US Black Ops

7/7 Bombings Final Word: Her Majesty's Terrorist Network

Common Purpose the Unseen Invasion - Brian Gerrish


Propaganda (Video)

George Bush: War Criminal

Symptoms of a targeted individual in the UK

This is What A Police State Looks Like

Matrix of Evil (Video)

Manufacturing Consent