Dirty Secrets - Update
Being a political researcher and ‘whistleblower’ myself I
feel very close to Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Thomas Drake, Bradley
Manning and all the other principled whistleblowers, men and women, who over the years have enlightened the public
mind as to what the British and American governments have been doing in the
name of their citizen’s. Whistleblowers, I should add, who are still considered
by ‘the state’ to be ‘criminals and terrorists’ simply because they did what
thousands of other writers and reporters failed to do, which was to disclose a
massive abuse of state power, which is why so few people today trust the
mainstream media to tell them the truth about anything.
own first ‘crime’ lay in simply judging a talent contest in South Africa during
the apartheid years. That small act of defiance toward apartheid in my
illegally spending that one night in Soweto was, ridiculous as it may seem,
apparently construed by ‘state security’ as being a positive influence on the
downfall of apartheid and the coming to power of the African National Congress
and Nelson Mandela as its leader. Since that time in Soweto, almost 40 years
ago now, I have been relentlessly persecuted and smeared by fascist security
agents and their stooges in whatever country or town I have lived in. There
have also been numerous attempts on my own life, along with more attempts to
criminalize me. So quite obviously ‘the state’ and its security apparatus views
any act of resistance or defiance, no matter how small, as being a serious threat to its existence. So
naturally enough I have over the years written extensively about the many
deceptions the security services have inflicted upon us all, and I continue to
do so today.
vast crimes and horrific human rights abuses committed by the UK and US
governments in particular, both at home and abroad should at the very least have
prompted a huge outcry for a different and far better political system than the
totally corrupt systems we have at present.
so-called ‘democracy’ we are now supposed to be enjoying has proven itself to
be an outright fraud of the very worst kind. And that includes the much vaunted
‘free speech’ citizens are also rightly supposed to have, but don’t. Indeed,
anyone daring to speak out against government criminality and tyranny may well
be smeared and vilified in every possible way. Hoping to discredit and detract
from their allegations against rogue governments and their security forces, whistleblowers
are often falsely and ceaselessly accused of committing all kinds of crimes,
particularly of a sexual nature, by teams of government disinformation agents
who surround and continually spread the foulest of lies in efforts to discredit
and damage the character and reputation of any whistleblower wherever they may
be. And unfortunately many of those lies are readily believed by a gullible
public who would rather believe lies than admit that their country has become a
rotten police-state.
a long time now Internet journalists and bloggers have been exposing ‘state
crimes’ of all kind’s, and in doing so they have realized our worst fears –
which were that our ‘democracies’ were in fact not all that they had been
cracked up to be. Indeed they have to our profound dismay turned out to be no
different from other terrorist states
our countries were supposed to be confronting. Instead we have discovered that
far from outlawing terrorist states our own governments have been their
greatest supporters. Columbia, for only one instance, has long been known as
being among the very worst of all the known terrorist regimes throughout the
entire world, and it has been fully supported in its gross human rights
violations by America and Britain for many years. Both of whom have contributed
their own troops to assist in the mass torture and killings of poor civilians
whose only crime was to ask for a truly democratic political system that would
enable them to improve their poor standard of living.
are the kind of dirty secrets our governments don’t want you to know about, and
in revealing them worldwide activist bloggers have themselves now come under a
renewed attack by having their Web sites and blogs closed down along with their
e-mail accounts by government security services who appear to be determined to
cull any and all criticism of their vast illegal crimes against humanity in
general. Yet the worst is yet to come; a recent document produced by the
American government entitled: USA Inc.: NASA, Depopulation & You, has made
it very clear that they fully intend to use phychotronic warefare against the
entire world in attempts to injure or kill anyone who disagrees with its
fascist intention of controlling everyone on earth!
That the UK and US public in general hasn’t as yet fully
reacted to the blatant lies and crimes of their politicians and bankers can be
laid firmly at the door of the mainstream media moguls, which at best can only
be described as being little more than government lap-dogs. They do indeed
deserve the title of being ‘presstitutes’ whose main aim is to promote
government propaganda or any other rubbish they can use to keep the public mind
ill-informed and ignorant of the truth.
Britain’s ‘Guardian’ newspaper, often quoted by the foreign
media as being something of a ‘watchdog’ for human rights, has known about
repression and torture inside the British mainland for well over thirty years
but it has yet to publish a single word about mass state torture inside the
United Kingdom. Like other British media outlets The Guardian is quick to
publish reports of torture in some
other countries but of its own - never!
For well over thirty years the criminal
British Security Services have been persecuting, torturing and murdering political
dissidents under the pretext of defending ‘National Security’. They are nothing
less than legalized state terrorists and their vast human rights crimes have
been hidden from the British people through using notorious ‘official secrets
acts’ and vast censorship of the media, along with the gross censorship and
repression of other writers and researchers who have consistently tried to
expose these state crimes to public view. Indeed, the majority of citizens in
Britain and the USA have been so successfully brainwashed through outright government
lies, propaganda, censorship and repression they cannot bring themselves to
believe that such terrible crimes could ever be committed in their own countries,
even when faced with overwhelming evidence from the many exiled (internal and
external) British and US victims of repression and torture that have been, and indeed
still are being persecuted and tortured by many fascist agents scattered around
the world.
The British Government
Communications Headquarters, Cheltenham (GCHQ), the Porton Down research
station, near Salisbury, and the America’s National Security Agency’s (NSA) huge SIGINT spy
base, located at Menwith Hill, near Harrogate are all known to be involved in
microwave warfare operations against British citizens along with other nefarious
military paramilitary installations?
this date, many hundreds of British citizens have added their names and
addresses to International data lists of British torture victims with more doing
so every week, yet the media in Britain remains totally silent on the subject
of British people being persecuted and tortured both inside and outside of the
British mainland by British security forces. Recently a British scientist by
the name of Dr. Barrie Trowers has made a number of Internet video
documentaries describing exactly how people can be tortured, disabled and
murdered through the use of deadly microwave weapons.
Former Ministry of Defense physicist,
Dr. Barrie Trowers has informed us of the huge dangers of electro smog-scalar
waves and the microwave radiation in our cell phone and Wi-Fi technology. He also
reveals how intelligence agencies misuse microwaves to influence and damage people's
bodies, even the brain. They can induce pain anywhere in the body producing various
illnesses including heart attacks and every form of cancer. They can control
your mind by reading your thoughts, changing them, spying on your memory,
change or erase it. They can remote control a human totally without the
targeted individual knowing about it. People can be programmed to be a living
video camera, killing or sex-machine.
a foremost expert on the subject the courageous Dr. Trowers has also given many
worldwide lectures on the misuse of microwaves by the security services in many
other countries besides Britain. At present he is receiving over 900 letters
every week from British torture victims. A huge number of American citizens
have also come forward after complaining of their own microwave torture in the
United States. The collusion of Britain and the United States against true
democracy has now been thoroughly researched and proven over many years. Some American
citizens have also finally woken up to the fact and they are vigorously
campaigning online against their corrupted police states. In Britain no such
opposition is allowed so many British citizens remain largely ignorant about
their own deeply corrupted governments.
It is easy to let people hear voices in their skulls. V2K is not a mental illness but the result of modern technology. The cell phone and wireless Internet radiation damages not only us, our children and nature but even future generations in a so horrible way that in three generations millions of men and women will have lost their fertility forever.
Dr. Trowers is rightly upset over the fact that British scientists working for the security services have a license to kill and have used their microwave deices on hundreds of thousands innocent human guinea pigs; and consistently gotten away with it. He and Mind Control expert Dr. Henning Witte have their suspicions that secret microwave weapons triggered the English results in the London Olympics 2012.
It is easy to let people hear voices in their skulls. V2K is not a mental illness but the result of modern technology. The cell phone and wireless Internet radiation damages not only us, our children and nature but even future generations in a so horrible way that in three generations millions of men and women will have lost their fertility forever.
Dr. Trowers is rightly upset over the fact that British scientists working for the security services have a license to kill and have used their microwave deices on hundreds of thousands innocent human guinea pigs; and consistently gotten away with it. He and Mind Control expert Dr. Henning Witte have their suspicions that secret microwave weapons triggered the English results in the London Olympics 2012.
During a recent FFCHS Conference Dr. Trowers took part in an online audio interview which can he heard at: http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-66339/TS-800041.mp3
The FFCHS Website is at: www.freedomfchs.com
Dr. Trowers and Dr. Henning Witte are both fully supported
by the Former Health Minister of Finland, Dr. Rauni Kilde, who has written
extensively on modern methods of mind control and she is also featured in many
online videos about mind-control.
John Finch, (tijohnfinch@gmail.com) who
has for many years highlighted the plight of many thousands of torture victims
worldwide, recently wrote to Amnesty International asking for their help in aiding the
microwave abuse of those victims. This is the reply he received:
“We regret
to inform you that Amnesty International is unable to offer you any assistance
as your case does not fall within our areas of work. We do understand your
concerns and desire that action be taken. However, our work is determined by
the framework established by Amnesty International members at a global level,
and all individual cases that we work on must fall within the terms established
by our statute. This does not mean that we consider certain types of human
rights, or human rights abuses, to be more important than others. Nor does it
mean that we have reached any conclusion as to whether you may have been the
victim of a human rights violation. Rather, it means that we must, to be as
effective as possible, channel our limited resources towards those areas of
work which we have identified as priorities.
We regret
that we are unable to assist you, and we do understand the disappointment this
must cause. However, we hope you are able to understand the reasons behind
this. We do hope that you are able to find the help that you need elsewhere,
and that your situation improves.”
those of you who have previously supported Amnesty I suggest that you now contact
them offering your own regrets in that you can no longer continue to support
their obviously corrupted organization until it fully support’s Mr. John Finch.
Microwave technology used properly could
easily have been used to prevent at least 90% of crime in Britain and
elsewhere, instead it has been ruthlessly used against political activists to
prevent populations from gaining true democracy in their countries. The last
thing elitists and vast corporations want is for ordinary people to have a real
say in how their countries are being run and managed. Normal people would
quickly put an end to criminal warfare and the resulting huge death tolls
brought about by rich corporate criminals and bankers who grow wealthier still through
war profiteering as millions of innocent men, women and children continue to
die in unnecessary wars brought about solely by greed and the search for huge profits.
the days when politicians believed their people to be total fools are coming to
an end. Today many news articles and videos are being increasingly used by online
activists to truly inform and educate entire populations, just as thousands of state
Security Specialists vainly attempt to quell all political protests in Britain
and America. However, the spread of the Internet has doomed their efforts to
failure. As a result the Internet is now being heavily censored as never before
with informative alternative Web-sites being banned in many countries or taken
down altogether on an almost weekly basis. In efforts to prevent them from
further communications many political activists are also suffering from
‘dropped phone lines’ and other forms of censorship. This trend clearly shows
that state fascists are running scared, and when the public at large finally
does wake up to the truth about these deeply corrupted elitists and their dirty
inhuman deceptions their New World Order will hopefully be finished forever.
After all, who in their right mind would
support any government that used torture and murder worldwide, that continually
spied on its own and other citizens worldwide, that supported cruel
dictatorships worldwide, promoted police brutality, that consistently lied to
its own citizens while committing global industrial espionage and that was well
known for being almost totally corrupt, and who in addition also protected and
refused to prosecute elite criminal bankers who stole untold billions from
their clients. A government that murdered millions of people as it tried to
dominate the entire world through starting continuous wars for profit while torturing,
imprisoning and murdering writers and journalists simply for writing the truth
about these vast crimes, and finally who but the totally uninformed would
support governments who brutally murdered their own citizens in attempts to
scare them into believing that they were going to be attacked by foreign
terrorists – as the American and British governments are firmly believed by
many eminent researchers to have done on 9/11 and 7/7, and that includes me
after watching the explosive video by Barbara Honegger, a top level informant
whose video lecture should convince any skeptic of 9/11 that it was indeed an
inside job committed by the American government. You can watch the video at:
can’t help but wonder when some high-level informant in the United Kingdom will
also have the courage to come forward and expose their 7/7 so-called ‘terrorist
attack’ as being an inside job?
and Britain continue to commit horrible crimes all over the world and they are
fully supported in their deplorable actions by French, Italian, Spanish,
Portuguese and other US puppets who also continue to pretend that they are
democracies. I certainly don’t support them and never will unless they are
truly reformed. It is high-time that the people of these countries regained
their senses along with their dignity and overthrew their rotten police-states
before they themselves also become victims of their state psychopaths!
the USA and the UK governments are pretending that their security services are
under ‘oversight’ to prevent them from overstepping their vast powers, but that
is yet another deception. The only oversight these home-grown terrorist
organizations get will be to ensure that they continue to do exactly what they
always have, which is to make very sure that normal citizens remain under total
fascist control and ignorant of what their governments are really doing. And to
add insult to injury, it has been revealed by the Washington Post that the
massive spying activities of the USA ‘intelligence services’ in spying on
people worldwide costs at least $52.6 billion, which works out in costing US
citizens an exorbitant $574 each every year!
notorious ‘Official Secrets Acts’ prevents their populations from gaining any
worthwhile knowledge about what their disgusting rogue security services get up
to, we have to rely on political dissidents for any truthful information relating
to the vast human rights crimes being committed by MI5 and MI6 so what amount
of money the British people have to pay every year for their own repression
simply isn’t available.
That Britain and America are free countries
and democracies with free speech is a total myth. They are both vicious fascist
military unaccountable police states second to none and are overseen by puppet
politicians and their elite masters. One becomes “an enemy of the state” and
afterward blacklisted as a “terrorist” simply for speaking or writing the truth
against blatant fascism, which more people in the UK and the USA are now daring
to attempt. Many of whom are persecuted, smeared, demonized, tortured, murdered,
internally exiled or driven out of their own country. That is the real truth
about Britain and the United States of America.
Dr. Les Dove
Glenn Greenwald Speaks
Out – video
Former MI5 agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Dangerous radiation everywhere - video
videos - Dr. Rauni Kilde
Warfare – Dr. Barrie Trowers. British military expert exposes criminal
conspiracy by UK and USA to torture and brainwash populations worldwide
Much more information on torture in
Britain can be found at
Please contact me and I will send you more information and our over 1300 ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES which can also be seen at:
Warfare - Barrie Trower – short video
An MI5 Whistle Blower's Story - video
Top 10 Most Influential Whistleblowers
Wiki Leaks and Whistleblowers – video
Depopulation & You - video
9/11 - The Engineers'
Report - Just the facts – video
A Cure for Capitalism? Putting the Social Back in Socialism: Rick Wolff - video
information on mind-control
Empire of Secrets - video
War Crimes of Bush and Obama Explained - video
CIA WhistleBlower Susan Lindauer EXPOSES Everything! – 2 videos
NSA whistleblower William Binney Keynote at HOPE Number Nine – video
NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake speaks at National Press Club- video
Deceptions - Full Film
- video
Solving 9-11: Exposing the Deception - video
Truthseeker: Obama's Arrest, Bush's Trial -
Top War Crimes Attorney Says He Will Get George W. Bush – video
Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined - video
Seeking Freedom and Justice
worldwide for those targeted with organized stalking and remote electronic
assaults. - video
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