I formed the above association in the United Kingdom after returning there from South Africa in the early eighties. After being continually persecuted by Britain's MI5 and the Police Special Branch for my human rights stand against apartheid, and my Internet articles about their illegal activities in Britain they had made me a 'target' that had to be neutralized as soon as possible. Quickly realizing that neither the media nor Britain's tame human rights associations would do anything to help me, I took it upon myself to expose these British secret police abuses to the fullest extent possible.
Of course, I also realized that I couldn't do everything entirely alone. Trying to expose any government 'secret security service’, anywhere is a daunting task to say the least. These security services have the entire resources of 'the state' behind them. Their funds are all but unlimited, they are a law unto themselves and they are more than prepared to do anything at all to try and hide their crimes from public scrutiny. They will persecute, torture and kill anyone if they believe it necessary, simply because that is what they do. That is what they have always done to protect what they call 'the state'. No one but their masters is immune from the attention of these government terrorist gangsters, and successive governments have consistently covered up their illegal and criminal activities within Britain.
The 'state' I refer to however, does not include the ordinary people in any population. When security services and their puppet politicians refer to 'the state' they actually mean the very few people who to all intents and purposes actually 'own' the state, which may be royalty, wealthy bankers, industrialists and other such people, who through their vast wealth and power simply buy or forcibly takeover the political machine of any country and then bribe puppet politicians and other people to do their bidding.
The 'Illuminati', as these very powerful families are called, are totally ruthless in every respect. Their sheer greed is unlimited. They own at least half the wealth of the entire world and they totally control the mainstream media, which they use to fool populations into believing their lies and deceptions. They have all made huge fortunes from their endeavors, many of which are highly illegal but very profitable. They include banking, drug dealing, oil takeovers, arms trading, prostitution of various kinds, gold, stock manipulation, pharmaceuticals and many other enterprises that bring in the kind of money ordinary people can only dream about. The Illuminati are in fact the 'shadow governments' of many countries. They are 'the real state' that many different 'security services' protect.
The all-powerful national security services have been built up and organized by their Illuminati masters over many years. They have been whitewashed as being 'public protectors' and glorified in many ways by the controlled press and the movie industry, which has mostly portrayed them as being public savors who willingly give their time and lives for the benefit of us all, etc, when in all reality they have done no such thing. Indeed, these 'security services' have all been instrumental in repressing what might have been good for the public since the first day they were brought into being. The very idea of a true democracy is repugnant to them all. They have protected fascism and gross government criminality of every imaginable kind. They have prevented many projects that may have benefited the public from being developed and brought into everyday use. They have also persecuted and murdered many honest public figures that sought to give us all a better future.
Under various false pretexts, these security services have prevented true democracy from ever taking root. They have continually apposed rule by the people for all the people and have instead deferred to the wishes of their masters by embracing the worst kind of fascism, that has it its turn prevented people in general from realizing their true potential. To prevent all the people gaining true knowledge and the benefits from that they have repressed, tortured and murdered untold millions of people all over the world and they have continually conned the public into believing that their gross acts of savagery and genocide has been 'in the public interest' or for the good of 'the state' which most people foolishly and unfailingly still continue to believe that means themselves too.
However, when I founded the National Association of Disabled Writers – disabled because they were unable to write the truth as they saw it without being persecuted, I was under the misguided impression that many writers throughout Britain acting together as a single unit could bring about the freedom to write, and criticize if necessary, the government and the state security institutions that prevented them from doing so. How naive I was in those early years. I honestly believed that the truth and the exposure of it would set us all free. How very wrong I was. As it turned out the very thought of many British writers daring to expose repression within the United Kingdom brought out the very worst MI5 and the secret political police, the Special Branch, had to offer. Had I been preparing to set up a terrorist organization to attack and destroy the parliament building in London their response to my endeavors could not have been worse. Though of course, on looking back and knowing what I know now, the full disclosure of wide scale repression within Britain might just have inflamed the British public enough to carry out just such an act as destroying what had up until that time been viewed as a symbol of British democracy. But I wasn't thinking so far ahead. I still believed in British justice and so assumed that in the end writers and everyone else in the UK would eventually get it.
But like I said, I was still pretty young and naive. And being so, I began organizing the association of writers, strong in the belief that we could be a force of change to be reckoned with. Home computers were just coming into being in those days. The very thought of being able to quickly communicate with writers all over the country and get them to support the association I was in the process of forming was inspiring to say the least.
However, as the various responses from other writers began to reach me I soon came to realize that many writers in Britain still didn't use any kind of computer, indeed many of them still wrote with a pen. Still, I pressed on and soon I had well over sixty writers from around Britain who were prepared to join the association and support its aims, which were 'Freedom, of Thought, Inquiry and Expression'.
I knew that many of those writers didn't have much money, as many writers don't unless and until they manage to get their work published, that is if they ever do, which some don't of course. So, I financed the association out of my own pocket through a business enterprise that I was involved in, hoping that eventually other writers might chip in and financially help us out with the odd donation. The financial aspect wasn't heavy in any case. I organized the association from an office that I had set-up in my home and I gave my own time willingly. Postage on all the mail that I had to send out was the main expense that had to be met, plus phone, fax and printing charges, all of which I paid for personally out of my own pocket.
Lady Margaret Simey of Liverpool, was at that time one of the most respected people in Britain. A socialist (not a communist) she participated in public affairs in many areas. She was also a strong supporter of true democracy and poor people anywhere in the country. Nobody was more respected than Margaret Simey, both as a human being and for the many good works that she unfailingly took upon herself as she sought to help people in need to the best of her ability. And because of those admirable traits, I took it upon myself to ask her to become the honorary vice chairperson of the National Association of Writers and so help to support our cause. Which, I am pleased to say, she willingly agreed to without any hesitation whatsoever. So with her name next to mine on our letterhead the association began to progress on to the next stage which was openly calling upon all British writers to support social change by trying to end the censorship and repression we faced in Britain.
However, soon after Lady Simey joined our association I began to notice that much of our mail, both outgoing and incoming, was being seriously interfered with. Members of our association never received most of the mail that was sent out to them and much of the mail sent to me was also not being delivered. Even worse, it soon became clear to me that my house and the office of the National Association of Writers was being entered and searched by the Police Special Branch and MI5 on a regular basis. Not that it worried me unduly because we had nothing to hide whatsoever. Everything concerning our association was carried out openly. Anything we did was open to inspection by anybody who was interested in our affairs. They could have seen anything they wished – they only had to ask. However, when our office equipment began to be damaged and broken on a regular basis it began to become a serious concern for us. We were running on a shoestring and we could not afford to keep on replacing computers, recording equipment and the like without it seriously affecting our ability to communicate effectively with our members, which was obviously the desire and prime intent of the 'security services', who then also began to steal whenever they entered my property. Association documents, personal possessions, book manuscripts and other things vanished one after the other as it became ever increasingly clear to me that MI5 and the Police Special Branch were intent on putting our association and myself out of business altogether.
If the above wasn't bad enough, the security services then began putting various kinds of pressure on our writers. They had stolen the list of our members and had begun to intimidate them all. That became obvious when without any explanation our members suddenly began to stop all correspondence with our association. Which wasn't just through security censoring our writers mail to us, phone and fax calls from them quickly fell off too. Here I should mention that the British security services have total control over all mail and phone services within Britain. They can do whatever they wish to do without censure of any kind; they are indeed a law unto themselves. Even my own computer became almost unusable as damage to it and 'dropped lines, etc' meant I often couldn't connect to the Internet and service the Web site I had developed for the association. Nor could I service my e-mail accounts properly.
However, when I persevered with the aims of our association, security service pressure upon myself personally intensified further still. My being the main driving force behind the association the SS were obviously intent on removing me from the scene by any means they considered necessary.
I began to be further harassed by security stooges on a daily basis at my place of work. My car was also damaged repeatedly. Police stooges, who harassed and tried to provoke me wherever I went, openly followed me. The windows of my house were broken. Even the plants and shrubs in my garden were destroyed by poison. The houses at both sides of my own were taken over by police stooges who played loud music at all hours of the day and night as they tried to deprive me of any real rest or sleep. Numerous attempts to force me off the road whilst I was driving my car became a regular occurrence, as did attempts to disable my car as it was being driven. And on one particular occasion, a car purposely tried to run me down one evening whilst I was walking across the road. An event that had it succeeded would undoubtedly have been described by security as 'an accident.'
And if that wasn't enough, worse was to follow. Whole teams of Special Branch smear merchants began to circulate the foulest rumors about me that could be dreamed up by them. One of the worst being that I had 'bought' my Ph. D, which was totally untrue. I had researched, studied and worked hard under a tutor to obtain my doctorate, which had been fully approved of by the proper authorities and of which I was proud. I also had other degrees, which I had justly earned. Another foul rumor was circulated stating that I had stolen money from the National Association of Writers, when in fact I had been the sole financial supporter of the organization for well over ten years, right from its inception. However, there was a large amount of money stolen from the safe of our association, my own money, along with documents that only the police Special Branch would have been interested in. That money had been intended to enlarge our association membership. It could only have taken from my safe by the Special Branch Police who entered my home almost every time I left it, no matter how often I changed the locks. Only they had and have the opportunity to continually enter any property they wish, to damage and steal at will without any fear of retribution. Only they have the means, the motive and the power to cover up their crimes including their regular thefts from my home, which was in a cul-de-sac and overlooked by many other multi-story houses where the many occupants of them could see who was entering my property on an almost daily basis. Those people knew exactly what was going on, but not one of them had the courage to speak out and appose the many illegal police actions being taken against me, let alone anyone else. Because there was and still are many other writers and researchers within Britain who are also getting persecuted, robbed and smeared on a regular basis by these state-sponsored terrorists. And thousands of people there know it. But these witnesses were and are afraid to speak out, because they know that in daring to do so they too might become a 'security' 'target', so they remain silent.
Indeed, it is more than apparent what happens to dissidents within Britain. When people are 'targeted' by MI5 or the secret political police there is absolutely nobody that they can turn to for help. Human rights organizations' in Britain have been totally neutralized, as have other organizations that supposedly were set up to help people when they are being persecuted and repressed by the authorities, but none of them work as they are supposed to, in spite of all the appealing glossy brochures they put out.
Other organizations similar to ours were also targeted and neutralized by the SS, so much so it became perfectly clear that any British organization that attempted to expose fascist repression within the UK would be closed down by the security services or taken over by their stooges. Indeed to my knowledge there isn't a single organization left anywhere in the country that today openly apposes the British police state. The politicians of the three political parties are bought and paid for, as is the media. Control by the SS is total. The only option for any decent British person to live an honest life is for them to leave the country and start their life anew somewhere else, as many thousands of political dissidents are now doing each year.
Even then, however, dissidents may not be safe from harm. The security services of many countries have now become part of a huge fascist network that has spread around the entire globe. Dissidents of note, such as myself for instance, cannot go anywhere without being quickly recognized and 'targeted'. They are tracked through airline tickets, credit card use, border checkpoints and car tracking devices that are today in use by security services throughout the world. So working towards a free and open democracy can be a very daunting task for anyone, indeed it can become almost impossible without experience of how the 'security services' really work. Harassment and persecution may well follow dissidents wherever they go, but they must persevere in their quest for freedom whatever the consequences of their doing so may be. The British SS has become a huge organization that has secretly and brutally repressed people who have refused to bow down to fascism and royalty, a repression that has undoubtedly cost the lives of many thousands of brave British patriots over the years.
Sometime in the future when the full extent of this state repression becomes known worldwide, as it surely must, most British people, just like the German’s before them, will claim ignorance by saying they had no idea of what was happening in Britain, that they believed such things couldn’t happen there. But that claim didn’t work for the German’s and it won’t work for the British either. Many of them have known about state repression and torture for years and they know about it now, they just didn’t have the courage to do anything about it! The Freedom Network informed every MP in Britain of what the queens SS was doing. They also informed every newspaper, every radio and television station too, so none of them can claim ignorance of the facts. But no doubt, they will try to do so. A stance that will also expose the true British character for what it really is.
The Internet, which has been a tremendous help in exposing fascist government abuses everywhere, has its own share of censorship, which is unfortunately also getting worse by the day. But there are still many Web sites diligently working towards getting the truth out and making people everywhere aware of the creeping fascism those authoritarian governments and their security services are trying to impose on us all through their so-called New World Order, an order that we must resist to the fullest extent possible.
The United Kingdom tries to hide its own harsh censorship and political repression by printing stories and making documentaries about repression in other counties, thereby creating the impression that such things don't happen in Britain. A recent BBC documentary about life in Iran concentrated mainly on censorship there, particularly the censorship of writers and other artists. Yet exactly the same kind of censorship is rife throughout the UK where the 'Official Secrets Act' prevents all kinds of news and views from ever being read or seen by the general public, so journalists and other writers have to practice self-censorship if they want their work to be published there. But this kind of hypocrisy is standard fare in the UK.
Whatever, now that the truth of life on other planets and visits by those life forms to us here on earth has finally been revealed - even though some governments and the 'state media' still won't admit it - after continually lying about it and denying the fact for sixty years, we just might get a little help from that quarter. It would be quite wonderful to think we might at last get decent honest governments for a change. I personally would willingly vote for anyone who could bring that happy state about – no matter what planet he or she came from. These alien beings are probably thousands if not millions of years ahead of us in every respect. They know the problems we face from our oppressors, so they may yet give us a helping hand. They alone have the power to quickly overturn the fascist tyranny we are facing; they know exactly what is going on here on earth so maybe they will. We can but hope.
In the meantime, we must press on alone making a good example for those that follow us. We can have real freedom and true democracy if we try hard enough. We can free ourselves from tyranny, and indeed, we must if we are to have a future worth having. The choice is ours to make.
Everyone has the right ... to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
— Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19
Dr Les Dove
E-mail: lesdove@inbox.com
The Illuminati (Must watch video)
Ring of Power (Must see!)
The Story of The Committee of 300 http://www.nw0.info
Beware of Freekmasons – David Icke
Mass UK Mind Control Technology Now A Reality
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Apollo Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, Claims UFO Cover Up (Video)
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The Torture Report
We Are Change (UK Web sites may be censored)
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Genocide in Burma supported by the US, the UK, and France
Britain's War in the Cause of Fear and Ignorance
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TerrorStorm: A History of Government-Sponsored Terrorism (2006)
Conspiracy: Who Really Runs The World?
Shadow Government 396 Videos
7/7 - The Ripple Effect
No More Rights in the UK
London Bombings Data Page
The true inside facts about the 7/7 London bombings
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The Energy Non-Crisis Lindsey Williams
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Subverting the Media
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Gordon Brown and the Illuminati NWO
MI5 and Torture in the UK
Symptoms of a targeted individual in the UK
This is What A Police State Looks Like
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Mind-Control: The Ultimate Terror
Black Ops, Underground Bases and Extra-Terrestrials
UK 2017: under surveillance
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Torture in the United Kingdom
“The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.”
The British Monarchy Has Its Roots in Nazism
The Hidden Face of Terrorism
No EU - Common Purpose Government Infiltrators (Must see video – UK)
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Ex-MI5 Officer Shayler Speaks at Trial of Blair Part 1
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Iron Triangle: Carlyle Group Exposed
The Secret State: Britain's Intelligence Agencies: MI5 (Counterintelligence/Home Office/MOD) and MI6 (Intelligence/Foreign Office/MOD)
Tony Blair and Jack Straw lie about torture... but how much?http://www.bloggerheads.com/archives/2005/12/tony_blair_and_1.asp
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Lindsey Williams – The Energy Non-Crisis. Video. Part 1 of 8
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Exposing Corruption - Exploring Solutions.
State-Sponsored Terror in the Western World
Suppression of free energy devices
Stories of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment (Video)
Tearing Down the Strongholds on the New World Order
The Disclosure Project
Mind Control Forum -Victims
Venezuela: The Nationalisation of Banco de Venezuela
Bilderberg - Tony Gosling’s Home Page

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Of course, I also realized that I couldn't do everything entirely alone. Trying to expose any government 'secret security service’, anywhere is a daunting task to say the least. These security services have the entire resources of 'the state' behind them. Their funds are all but unlimited, they are a law unto themselves and they are more than prepared to do anything at all to try and hide their crimes from public scrutiny. They will persecute, torture and kill anyone if they believe it necessary, simply because that is what they do. That is what they have always done to protect what they call 'the state'. No one but their masters is immune from the attention of these government terrorist gangsters, and successive governments have consistently covered up their illegal and criminal activities within Britain.
The 'state' I refer to however, does not include the ordinary people in any population. When security services and their puppet politicians refer to 'the state' they actually mean the very few people who to all intents and purposes actually 'own' the state, which may be royalty, wealthy bankers, industrialists and other such people, who through their vast wealth and power simply buy or forcibly takeover the political machine of any country and then bribe puppet politicians and other people to do their bidding.
The 'Illuminati', as these very powerful families are called, are totally ruthless in every respect. Their sheer greed is unlimited. They own at least half the wealth of the entire world and they totally control the mainstream media, which they use to fool populations into believing their lies and deceptions. They have all made huge fortunes from their endeavors, many of which are highly illegal but very profitable. They include banking, drug dealing, oil takeovers, arms trading, prostitution of various kinds, gold, stock manipulation, pharmaceuticals and many other enterprises that bring in the kind of money ordinary people can only dream about. The Illuminati are in fact the 'shadow governments' of many countries. They are 'the real state' that many different 'security services' protect.
The all-powerful national security services have been built up and organized by their Illuminati masters over many years. They have been whitewashed as being 'public protectors' and glorified in many ways by the controlled press and the movie industry, which has mostly portrayed them as being public savors who willingly give their time and lives for the benefit of us all, etc, when in all reality they have done no such thing. Indeed, these 'security services' have all been instrumental in repressing what might have been good for the public since the first day they were brought into being. The very idea of a true democracy is repugnant to them all. They have protected fascism and gross government criminality of every imaginable kind. They have prevented many projects that may have benefited the public from being developed and brought into everyday use. They have also persecuted and murdered many honest public figures that sought to give us all a better future.
Under various false pretexts, these security services have prevented true democracy from ever taking root. They have continually apposed rule by the people for all the people and have instead deferred to the wishes of their masters by embracing the worst kind of fascism, that has it its turn prevented people in general from realizing their true potential. To prevent all the people gaining true knowledge and the benefits from that they have repressed, tortured and murdered untold millions of people all over the world and they have continually conned the public into believing that their gross acts of savagery and genocide has been 'in the public interest' or for the good of 'the state' which most people foolishly and unfailingly still continue to believe that means themselves too.
However, when I founded the National Association of Disabled Writers – disabled because they were unable to write the truth as they saw it without being persecuted, I was under the misguided impression that many writers throughout Britain acting together as a single unit could bring about the freedom to write, and criticize if necessary, the government and the state security institutions that prevented them from doing so. How naive I was in those early years. I honestly believed that the truth and the exposure of it would set us all free. How very wrong I was. As it turned out the very thought of many British writers daring to expose repression within the United Kingdom brought out the very worst MI5 and the secret political police, the Special Branch, had to offer. Had I been preparing to set up a terrorist organization to attack and destroy the parliament building in London their response to my endeavors could not have been worse. Though of course, on looking back and knowing what I know now, the full disclosure of wide scale repression within Britain might just have inflamed the British public enough to carry out just such an act as destroying what had up until that time been viewed as a symbol of British democracy. But I wasn't thinking so far ahead. I still believed in British justice and so assumed that in the end writers and everyone else in the UK would eventually get it.
But like I said, I was still pretty young and naive. And being so, I began organizing the association of writers, strong in the belief that we could be a force of change to be reckoned with. Home computers were just coming into being in those days. The very thought of being able to quickly communicate with writers all over the country and get them to support the association I was in the process of forming was inspiring to say the least.
However, as the various responses from other writers began to reach me I soon came to realize that many writers in Britain still didn't use any kind of computer, indeed many of them still wrote with a pen. Still, I pressed on and soon I had well over sixty writers from around Britain who were prepared to join the association and support its aims, which were 'Freedom, of Thought, Inquiry and Expression'.
I knew that many of those writers didn't have much money, as many writers don't unless and until they manage to get their work published, that is if they ever do, which some don't of course. So, I financed the association out of my own pocket through a business enterprise that I was involved in, hoping that eventually other writers might chip in and financially help us out with the odd donation. The financial aspect wasn't heavy in any case. I organized the association from an office that I had set-up in my home and I gave my own time willingly. Postage on all the mail that I had to send out was the main expense that had to be met, plus phone, fax and printing charges, all of which I paid for personally out of my own pocket.
Lady Margaret Simey of Liverpool, was at that time one of the most respected people in Britain. A socialist (not a communist) she participated in public affairs in many areas. She was also a strong supporter of true democracy and poor people anywhere in the country. Nobody was more respected than Margaret Simey, both as a human being and for the many good works that she unfailingly took upon herself as she sought to help people in need to the best of her ability. And because of those admirable traits, I took it upon myself to ask her to become the honorary vice chairperson of the National Association of Writers and so help to support our cause. Which, I am pleased to say, she willingly agreed to without any hesitation whatsoever. So with her name next to mine on our letterhead the association began to progress on to the next stage which was openly calling upon all British writers to support social change by trying to end the censorship and repression we faced in Britain.
However, soon after Lady Simey joined our association I began to notice that much of our mail, both outgoing and incoming, was being seriously interfered with. Members of our association never received most of the mail that was sent out to them and much of the mail sent to me was also not being delivered. Even worse, it soon became clear to me that my house and the office of the National Association of Writers was being entered and searched by the Police Special Branch and MI5 on a regular basis. Not that it worried me unduly because we had nothing to hide whatsoever. Everything concerning our association was carried out openly. Anything we did was open to inspection by anybody who was interested in our affairs. They could have seen anything they wished – they only had to ask. However, when our office equipment began to be damaged and broken on a regular basis it began to become a serious concern for us. We were running on a shoestring and we could not afford to keep on replacing computers, recording equipment and the like without it seriously affecting our ability to communicate effectively with our members, which was obviously the desire and prime intent of the 'security services', who then also began to steal whenever they entered my property. Association documents, personal possessions, book manuscripts and other things vanished one after the other as it became ever increasingly clear to me that MI5 and the Police Special Branch were intent on putting our association and myself out of business altogether.
If the above wasn't bad enough, the security services then began putting various kinds of pressure on our writers. They had stolen the list of our members and had begun to intimidate them all. That became obvious when without any explanation our members suddenly began to stop all correspondence with our association. Which wasn't just through security censoring our writers mail to us, phone and fax calls from them quickly fell off too. Here I should mention that the British security services have total control over all mail and phone services within Britain. They can do whatever they wish to do without censure of any kind; they are indeed a law unto themselves. Even my own computer became almost unusable as damage to it and 'dropped lines, etc' meant I often couldn't connect to the Internet and service the Web site I had developed for the association. Nor could I service my e-mail accounts properly.
However, when I persevered with the aims of our association, security service pressure upon myself personally intensified further still. My being the main driving force behind the association the SS were obviously intent on removing me from the scene by any means they considered necessary.
I began to be further harassed by security stooges on a daily basis at my place of work. My car was also damaged repeatedly. Police stooges, who harassed and tried to provoke me wherever I went, openly followed me. The windows of my house were broken. Even the plants and shrubs in my garden were destroyed by poison. The houses at both sides of my own were taken over by police stooges who played loud music at all hours of the day and night as they tried to deprive me of any real rest or sleep. Numerous attempts to force me off the road whilst I was driving my car became a regular occurrence, as did attempts to disable my car as it was being driven. And on one particular occasion, a car purposely tried to run me down one evening whilst I was walking across the road. An event that had it succeeded would undoubtedly have been described by security as 'an accident.'
And if that wasn't enough, worse was to follow. Whole teams of Special Branch smear merchants began to circulate the foulest rumors about me that could be dreamed up by them. One of the worst being that I had 'bought' my Ph. D, which was totally untrue. I had researched, studied and worked hard under a tutor to obtain my doctorate, which had been fully approved of by the proper authorities and of which I was proud. I also had other degrees, which I had justly earned. Another foul rumor was circulated stating that I had stolen money from the National Association of Writers, when in fact I had been the sole financial supporter of the organization for well over ten years, right from its inception. However, there was a large amount of money stolen from the safe of our association, my own money, along with documents that only the police Special Branch would have been interested in. That money had been intended to enlarge our association membership. It could only have taken from my safe by the Special Branch Police who entered my home almost every time I left it, no matter how often I changed the locks. Only they had and have the opportunity to continually enter any property they wish, to damage and steal at will without any fear of retribution. Only they have the means, the motive and the power to cover up their crimes including their regular thefts from my home, which was in a cul-de-sac and overlooked by many other multi-story houses where the many occupants of them could see who was entering my property on an almost daily basis. Those people knew exactly what was going on, but not one of them had the courage to speak out and appose the many illegal police actions being taken against me, let alone anyone else. Because there was and still are many other writers and researchers within Britain who are also getting persecuted, robbed and smeared on a regular basis by these state-sponsored terrorists. And thousands of people there know it. But these witnesses were and are afraid to speak out, because they know that in daring to do so they too might become a 'security' 'target', so they remain silent.
Indeed, it is more than apparent what happens to dissidents within Britain. When people are 'targeted' by MI5 or the secret political police there is absolutely nobody that they can turn to for help. Human rights organizations' in Britain have been totally neutralized, as have other organizations that supposedly were set up to help people when they are being persecuted and repressed by the authorities, but none of them work as they are supposed to, in spite of all the appealing glossy brochures they put out.
Other organizations similar to ours were also targeted and neutralized by the SS, so much so it became perfectly clear that any British organization that attempted to expose fascist repression within the UK would be closed down by the security services or taken over by their stooges. Indeed to my knowledge there isn't a single organization left anywhere in the country that today openly apposes the British police state. The politicians of the three political parties are bought and paid for, as is the media. Control by the SS is total. The only option for any decent British person to live an honest life is for them to leave the country and start their life anew somewhere else, as many thousands of political dissidents are now doing each year.
Even then, however, dissidents may not be safe from harm. The security services of many countries have now become part of a huge fascist network that has spread around the entire globe. Dissidents of note, such as myself for instance, cannot go anywhere without being quickly recognized and 'targeted'. They are tracked through airline tickets, credit card use, border checkpoints and car tracking devices that are today in use by security services throughout the world. So working towards a free and open democracy can be a very daunting task for anyone, indeed it can become almost impossible without experience of how the 'security services' really work. Harassment and persecution may well follow dissidents wherever they go, but they must persevere in their quest for freedom whatever the consequences of their doing so may be. The British SS has become a huge organization that has secretly and brutally repressed people who have refused to bow down to fascism and royalty, a repression that has undoubtedly cost the lives of many thousands of brave British patriots over the years.
Sometime in the future when the full extent of this state repression becomes known worldwide, as it surely must, most British people, just like the German’s before them, will claim ignorance by saying they had no idea of what was happening in Britain, that they believed such things couldn’t happen there. But that claim didn’t work for the German’s and it won’t work for the British either. Many of them have known about state repression and torture for years and they know about it now, they just didn’t have the courage to do anything about it! The Freedom Network informed every MP in Britain of what the queens SS was doing. They also informed every newspaper, every radio and television station too, so none of them can claim ignorance of the facts. But no doubt, they will try to do so. A stance that will also expose the true British character for what it really is.
The Internet, which has been a tremendous help in exposing fascist government abuses everywhere, has its own share of censorship, which is unfortunately also getting worse by the day. But there are still many Web sites diligently working towards getting the truth out and making people everywhere aware of the creeping fascism those authoritarian governments and their security services are trying to impose on us all through their so-called New World Order, an order that we must resist to the fullest extent possible.
The United Kingdom tries to hide its own harsh censorship and political repression by printing stories and making documentaries about repression in other counties, thereby creating the impression that such things don't happen in Britain. A recent BBC documentary about life in Iran concentrated mainly on censorship there, particularly the censorship of writers and other artists. Yet exactly the same kind of censorship is rife throughout the UK where the 'Official Secrets Act' prevents all kinds of news and views from ever being read or seen by the general public, so journalists and other writers have to practice self-censorship if they want their work to be published there. But this kind of hypocrisy is standard fare in the UK.
Whatever, now that the truth of life on other planets and visits by those life forms to us here on earth has finally been revealed - even though some governments and the 'state media' still won't admit it - after continually lying about it and denying the fact for sixty years, we just might get a little help from that quarter. It would be quite wonderful to think we might at last get decent honest governments for a change. I personally would willingly vote for anyone who could bring that happy state about – no matter what planet he or she came from. These alien beings are probably thousands if not millions of years ahead of us in every respect. They know the problems we face from our oppressors, so they may yet give us a helping hand. They alone have the power to quickly overturn the fascist tyranny we are facing; they know exactly what is going on here on earth so maybe they will. We can but hope.
In the meantime, we must press on alone making a good example for those that follow us. We can have real freedom and true democracy if we try hard enough. We can free ourselves from tyranny, and indeed, we must if we are to have a future worth having. The choice is ours to make.
Everyone has the right ... to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
— Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19
Dr Les Dove
E-mail: lesdove@inbox.com
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